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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


I never played any Souls games before Elden Ring, and while it was a bit frustrating at first, I came to enjoy the exploration quite a lot.

It’s not as hard as people make it up to be, as you can mostly just overlevel a bit if you hit a wall. Some of the boss fights suck, though. They feel unfair at times and I felt a bit lucky to beat some of them when they just randomly don’t do the hard-to-avoid combos.

The exploration is what makes the game for me. The universe and atmosphere is spot on. Trying out different weapons and builds is a lot of fun once you get to around lvl 50.

Not really, it’s just a fun expression. Kinda sounds like a propeller in the water.

Sit at home/at friends’ flats. Stand in public restrooms.

As a European browsing the internet, this would not even surprise me if true

In Danish we have the same rules for concatenating nouns, like speciallægepraksisplanlægningsstabiliseringsperiode

This was how reddit was meant to be. Now every opinion the hive mind disagrees with gets downvoted to hell.

I’ve tried many times to convert my non-techy friends but it’s impossible.

It’s hard to argue with “literally everyone I know uses Messenger”.

I use SMS in Denmark with people I don’t know personally. Apps like Telegram or WhatsApp aren’t common here (yet) unfortunately.

Everyone has Facebook and uses Messenger. The absolute worst of all the choices…

I used it a lot for Eve Online. Lots of big alliances/corps in the game defaulted to XMPP. Some used IRC or Slack when it came out. Nowadays everyone uses Discord though.