Yes, but we are comparing and I’d say comparatively Europe is definitely doing Democracy the best by far. It’s most definitely not Asia or Africa and America isn’t doing so well either, considering countries like Venezuela or the States.
Stick your hopes and prayers where you’re food goes.
Most women I’ve talked to don’t like it anyway. Just look healthy and fit and you’re good. No need to look like the Hulk on steroids.
Ichiel, Erzengel des Autismus.
Ich weiss nicht, ob ich das schon als ‘hochfunktional’ ansehen würde.
Als ob es so eine Aufgabe ist Flaschen wegzubringen.
GF needs a package picked up, I forge her signature with her permission.
I never looked like this, but life was so much easier back then.
As is tradition.
Terminally online take.
Yes, but we are comparing and I’d say comparatively Europe is definitely doing Democracy the best by far. It’s most definitely not Asia or Africa and America isn’t doing so well either, considering countries like Venezuela or the States.