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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


Habits and addictions are not the same thing, which is clearly discussed in the articles I linked that I am now very aware you didn’t read.

Perhaps instead of asking me for arguments, read the shit I posted?

I’m sure it succeeds at times. There’s a lot of dumb people. However, I don’t see how that’s an algorithm’s fault and not the dumb person’s fault.

“The social dilemma” is absurd conspiracy shit lmao. C’mon man don’t tell me you believed that shit. Wait til you discover “A Funny Thing Happened On The Way to the Moon”

I’m not gonna debunk the whole show (I’ll link one instead) but they hire psychologists because they’re pursuing engagement. I have no issue with that. Psychologists work a lot of jobs you wouldn’t expect. Psychology (and Philosophy) are actually strong undergrads for people who want Finance careers too.

Debunk: https://daniellenewnham.medium.com/why-the-social-dilemma-is-wrong-17d8b2952187

And another if you can’t get past the above paywall: https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/netflix-social-dilemma-tech-1.5740351

Talk about being manipulated, my dude.

I think it’s a pretty huge logical stretch to assume I am manipulated because I know algorithms don’t have a profile on me you can just look up. That’s not how data science works at all.

A good sign you’re in conspiracy theory territory is that your entire model breaks down if the algorithm designers aren’t specifically supervillains.

I’m not exactly sure what algorithms do

Seems weird to have a passionate stance on this, then.

No, my phone ID and random data snippets are not “me.” If I have another device and sign in under a different email, I get totally different content while still being me.

TikTok recommends me stand-up comedy and thicc goth girls because that’s what I’ve swiped on. Every now and then MTG card reviews pop up because I think that dude is funny.

I’m not a child, so I’m capable of curating shit I watch

I’m a huge fan of TikTok and YouTube’s algos because they show me shit I am interested in. Same with my targeted ads, except for the shitty mobile game ones.

Regardless, this is not a specific profile for me as a person. It’s a profile for that service, on this phone, taking some info from common internet connection points.

It isn’t used to make anything of me at all. You don’t seem to understand how this data is collected, aggregated and sold.

Literally no one has a profile on me specifically. Relevant bits of data are captured and filtered and packaged and sold without any human interaction.

There is no database entry for you as a person.

I’m not being manipulated because I am neither 12 nor a Republican.

I care a lot about freedom and my personal privacy. The data collected by apps doesn’t invade my privacy, and cannot reliably be used to harm me in any way, so I don’t care.

Do you care that you’re on video at the bank? Same thing.

It’s less that people have nothing to hide and more that you’re not really sacrificing any privacy

it’s a relatively simple line to draw when you have to draw one somewhere

Do you have to, though?

“the line is drawn where I feel most morally superior”

Vegan logic

I’ve already been called a bot, twice, for what I thought were non-controversial, if unpopular, opinions.

I’d prefer not to be on the receiving end of a witch hunt, which I’m afraid a dedicated community may trend toward.

This seems kind of puritan to me. Why should I be made uncomfortable by the mention of sexual assault? Are you uncomfortable thinking about war?

Why SHOULD the word “rape” make anyone uncomfortable? IMO this kind of thinking is what leads to suppression of victim’s voices. It makes even speaking about SA into a taboo thing.

In an ideal world, wed speak of SA with, at minimum, the same frequency we speak about bullying. We’ve seen successful efforts to lessen both the frequency and impact of bullying by speaking about it more.

If China wants to see how much of my TikTok is split between chubby goth girls and Taylor swift, they are more than welcome to that. If they want to know I mostly browse TikTok on my toilet, in the evening, they are more than welcome to that too.

Not exactly a national security issue.

I don’t see how data collection is a privacy and not secrecy issue by his definition.

I don’t think there’s a good reason to be worried about this aspect of my “privacy,” and I think the people who care are borderline chemtrail-level mistaken about how this data is used.

I am pro data collection, as a whole.

This site is an aggregator. I want to use it to aggregate content I want to see.

It’s trivially easy for you to not be exposed to things you don’t want to see here, so I’m not really understanding the issue