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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Will there be more pictures like this? Or is it just mostly about punk music (which isn’t my jam)?

Yep was about to suggest this. There are similar setups for all in one washer dryer machines that are similar. I’ve seen tenants in bachelor suites or coin laundry buildings have both of these in a place. Pretty clever for a single person, because they pay very low rent in those types of places.

I’m not in construction per se but I do make my money with tools and my hands. I keep it mostly to interior work and don’t find it negatively impacts my health. Very glad I swapped to this when I did…

University educated. Changed careers at 29 and did tech college and got a diploma.

Now I paint and fix shit for a rental company and I make 4x what I used to make. No papers required. It’s wild.

Hey some of it goes to poorly pay all the middle managers and beurocrats

You don’t get the same quantity of ink in the cartridges.

When I used to sell computer equipment, I knew the numbers and while I don’t know them specifically now, I can assure you the multi billion dollar companies didn’t start putting more ink in the cartridges that come with their printers. They are starter cartridges and print only a portion of the pages replacement cartridges will print. In my day, the cartridges that came with Epson, canon, Lexmark, and HP (the brands we sold) typically had 20-30% of the capacity. Once in awhile Epson would sell a printer with full cartridges as a promo.

This isn’t cheaper for the consumer

While this is definitely a true flow chart, the headline is misguided. Considering the only difference between the right and left when it comes to corporations is how honest they are about their policies. The right says they will do it, the left says they won’t, and then they both do exactly the same shit.

teach people to google stuff

Man, the reason we searched for xyz reddit, instead of xyz, is because Google is junk now.

Ahh beetle juicing is alive and well I see

I do this with my morning coffee when I hit snooze extra times. Just throw a spoonful of instant in my brewed coffee and drink 1 cup. Sometimes with 2 ice cubes so I can consume it quick. Depends how many times I hit snooze lol

I once drove for one hour and fifteen minutes listening to hold music only to get to my destination and have to hang up. Fuck those companies man.

Lol I’ve noticed myself making those little noises when I get up and down and I’m trying to stop. Feel like they’re making me older than I am. Lol

I don’t see the difference in safety between ghosting and sending a text saying “This isn’t going to work out, you’re just not the one for me”

Not replying / blocking them after is fine. That’s not really ghosting anymore.

In fact, I’d suggest the safety improved from texting that, since the majority wouldn’t bother trying to reach you using other methods, whereas with no reply at all, they may try to reach you some other way like in person.