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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


Lol shows much of what you know but calling an imaginary right wing party in Venezuela even when all of them are open socialists.

The only thing people are begging for is for the socialist venezuelan government to stop murdering civilians left and right.

Oh but I’m sure you have a justification for that too.

Are you talking about the leftist venezuelan government murdering civilians openly? If right that are the ones you insanely advocate for.

Outline for your own VPN. You can even try it for free in tandem with Google cloud

You literally jumped to call names on me and accused me of murdering people when you don’t even know me. You call me rich as if that means anything, and to top it You justify yourself with ignorance. You don’t knowing my ethnicity is the least of the issues here and frankly not knowing things about me is not stopping you from engaging with me in an uncivilized manner.

I find you despicable and a true rich asshole just given your behavior

Well you are the one assuming that. There are other countries you know?

I knew it would befall to cheer cheesy antics

No thank you my socialist government manages to sabotage itself tyvm

Because all the corruption you see.

Also the murdering of civilians

Also actively destroying the economy

Granted, we voted them in, so it is kind of our fault for believing the leftist lie.

And no, time traveling sanctions do not exist L-Mao

This is literally Argentina with let’s say “creative” bookkeeping

Ironic since I’d wager most of social media users have apple phones

My kind? Thanks for the uncalled xenophobic racism.

Venezuela has been going to shit since the 2000 with Chavez.

Sanctions were stablished from 2015 and only to 7 individuals from the venezuelan government.

Keep your lies up. Maybe you will start believing them.

As a venezuelan, no. What happened and still happens here was the sole responsibility of the socialist party’s government and the ultimate reason why I don’t trust leftists as they don’t own up their failures and just disregard them as “not true socialism”

Isn’t this the comic where Marx is playing Monopoly, starts losing and Flips the fuck out the table?

The things is the path to one of the other begins the same, of course, paved with good intentions

Electrons are empty inside except for a shower of virtual particle, anti particle pairs! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

Where do we stand on corrugated cardboard vs non corrugated cardboard