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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Synology Moments, which is their older version of their photo app. I still use the older version because it supports object recognition. I just wish it had a map view.

That’s the thing. A NAS *should *be pretty “set and forget”, and other than a few manual software updates, I just use the files and services it hosts without giving it a second thought.

Even the fact that I don’t have to mess around with third-party apps across multiple devices to get them to sync or backup to the NAS is pure gold, especially since my wife wouldn’t be able to figure out any app beyond “just click here and that’s it”. LOL

As I get older, the more I realize that minimalism and simplification tend to be a priority when it comes to tech things, because should something happen to me, there’s no damn way anyone in my family would be able to figure out how to continue keeping things running if I went all DIY.

So… I got a Synology NAS, which is easy to use and maintain. Photo backups, file backups, and our media collection are easy to access.

I’ve been pretty happy with my Synology NAS. Literally trouble-free, worry-free, and “just works”. My only real complaint is them getting rid of features in the Photos app, which is why I’m still on their old OS.

But I’d probably build a second NAS on the cheap, just to see how it compares :)

What OS would you go with if you had to build one?

Instead of a 4-bay NAS, I would have gone with a 6-bay.

You only realize just how expensive it is to expand on your space when you have to REPLACE HDDs rather than simply adding more.

Ask yourself this: Does he offer the same “generosity” off camera ?

If not, then he’s an actor who’s only doing what he does to continue his acting career.

If your kids watch him because he’s entertaining, then I wouldnt worry too much.

But if they are trying to emulate him (I.e. trying to garner internet clout by doing “good deeds”, but only on camera), then that would worry me as a parent.

For those self-hosting RSS feeds… what options do you have when the source doesn’t have an RSS feed?
With Twitter being worse than ever, I can no longer pull local news and municipal events through Nitter's RSS feature. Since so many groups have stopped using RSS to deliver news, and have put all their eggs in the social media basket, it leaves a void that can't be replaced by signing up to a dozen newsletters. Do you guys have any other solutions for maybe scraping websites to generate RSS feeds or something like that? I'm using FresshRSS. It has web scraping, but seems to require a lot of manual syntax entry, and seems to error out regardless.

On top of that, nobody should be forced to watch gambling or alcohol ads.