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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


Why does the clock say 911 :/ and the movie came out in 2001 hmmmm!!!

Thought he was pranking someone

Same lol, I love guessing what happend in that video

This photo looks weird, is it photoshopped

That’s really gross 🤢


C when you think about life and just ending it all

Looks like a 2000s flash furry porn

Pffft windows is the most unconsistant looking pile of UI trash in the world, they can’t even stack up with Gnome and windows is on most pc’s. Their design is ugly and when u go into settings u have win 10 and old win 7 ui elements in their “new windows 11 system” Pfft so glad I wiped windows from my PC for a better and more stream lined OS

Why is it so pixilated, never seen something pixilated like that 😆

Would like to see it been done with another camera that looks at the ther one, while the world is unloading around them as the cam looks around, also my brain is fried from reading all of that 💀

I always wounderd what games do now? Thought they just render the entire play space that you are in cuz the developers are too lazy to make games optimized

@3@ holy!!! She’s perfect <3

Hell yeah cat boy!!!

Too much work, imma just laz around:3

Can u swear on lemmy?