  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Oh, we think about doing it, a lot. We’re even sad we haven’t done it. We’re aware it’s easy and will only take a minute too. We just… can’t, yet. The reason is unknown to us.

Thanks! I’ll check these out when I get to my server. I host a small LLM that help bots sound more human while going trivial tasks in Twitch.

On the Lemmy website you can change your display name and use a fancy font generator to make one. I don’t see it though as Voyager filters them.

That only let’s you shoot people, not sell them bread.

Canada too. I lived on top of a tattoo and vape store across the street from a cafe and grocery store. There were rules to keep the face of the buildings looking kept up.

In America it’s illegal to run a store out of your house because white people hate minorites.

I think the point is that all of us live a couple hours away from this town.

You can use a fancy font generator on Google and change it on the website display name.

It’s strange to me as an American that when I visit some countries there’s no where to tip. I get physically anxious when I can’t tip a waiter or bartender.

In my mind, that was the last real debate. They addressed their opponents comments and added their own. It wasn’t an endless stream of buzz words.

You can edit your display name on the website and use a fancy text generator to pick a font!

Voyager returns to where you were on scrolling after you comment. Connect would just make your refresh the entire thread. Connect supports responding with pictures though…

You can use a fancy text generator on Google and change yours on the website settings by modifying your display name.

“Enable eye tracking and get a free sub to gift every month!”

I don’t understand your anger, but I damn sure appreciate the energy.

This is a Lemmy, Twitter, Op stack. I no longer have Reddit, but someone else can do the next layer!

I think op is saying that the average American doesn’t realize they’ve been convinced to force babies into existence by corpos highjacking their religious sensibilities. All why not giving a fuck about the children after their born.

And then he told people not to vote… Get out and vote people! They do.

You don’t have to be honest, if you want to eat, cherry pick and p hack. Otherwise, enjoy poverty. Corporations want to hear what they want, not no.

We also think that, unfortunately the poorest white Americans would rather die than risk giving insurance to minorites. So we have this system.