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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2023


Dont fridges come with those pre-installed? What kind of janky ass plugs have you been getting your resident-evil-biovirus-storage-mist-generating fridges from?

I know what that feels like. I regularly pay upto 2-4x for plane tickets, because I always put them to the last second.

Sending much love your way friend, hope your days get easier.

Is lemmy really where you want discussions of such nature to be held, considering the entirely irreversably public nature of the protocol its built on?

I hope you find an answer. It’s way past morning, and all day long I’ve been pacing back and forth because I need to go the bank later.

Bro please take care of yourself, take it from someone who knows. Without the external pressures of a regular office schedule, it is very likely you’ll eventually crumble under the decision anxiety or the myriad other sister-concerns of it.

I wish I knew what the fix for this was, but I dont. Dm me if you’d like to talk.

I’m in a similar boat. Do you ever find yourself thinking back to the labour days? If there wasn’t such a difference in pay, I might consider the switch. The only career that I know of that has pay parity is oil rig work, but I don’t want to fuck up my body before it’s time.

Hi I think formatting fucked up, atleast it looks like it on Jerboa. Try putting two New Lines after each line of the poem.

what do you mean thyroid malfunction is permanent? thyroid malfunction you got as a side effect of the drugs you are taking?

Why not the hung-on-wall showerhead types? Is this second bowl design more common than the handheld one?

Thanks for your reply. I haven’t heard about this directly, but I have noticed that birds-eye-chilly plants(don’t know if this is the right name for it) get chillies that are so much more eye-watering-throat-burning-ass-blastingly spicy in the summer than other seasons. It even seems to do better when it’s NOT watered than when it is.

Small communities and slow content feeds are fine for me I think. Either way I’m glad I’m here to witness this liminal period.