Bro please take care of yourself, take it from someone who knows. Without the external pressures of a regular office schedule, it is very likely you’ll eventually crumble under the decision anxiety or the myriad other sister-concerns of it.
I wish I knew what the fix for this was, but I dont. Dm me if you’d like to talk.
Thanks for your reply. I haven’t heard about this directly, but I have noticed that birds-eye-chilly plants(don’t know if this is the right name for it) get chillies that are so much more eye-watering-throat-burning-ass-blastingly spicy in the summer than other seasons. It even seems to do better when it’s NOT watered than when it is.
Dont fridges come with those pre-installed? What kind of janky ass plugs have you been getting your resident-evil-biovirus-storage-mist-generating fridges from?