  • 1 Post
Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Jul 25, 2024


Hi there. Things escalated really out of control due to a rogue mod, but the situation has since been resolved, and things should be back to normal.

Private communities don’t exist; you can only create an instance and defederate from everyone else. VeganTheoryClub is an instance which defederated from Lemmy.World, for example.

I’m not sure if you saw the recent community update, but things have died down at /c/vegan. Up to you, but posts will probably be leaning more informative and less antagonistic now that the situation has been resolved.

Incidentally, vegan Spam does exist both in the official Spam brand and in another brand called unMeat. As someone who really doesn’t like Spam, though, I’m unqualified to judge it.

Sorry, this whole thing was a guerilla marketing campaign for legumes all along.

Listen up, carnoid of planet Omnius, many geological surveys have shown robust evidence that Vega is capable of harboring all known forms of humanoid life and that its atmospheric makeup in fact provides benefits for cardiovascular health and hivemind coherency.

If you’re making it on your own, the problem might be that you don’t press it. Unpressed tofu makes me feel sick too, and it’s really vital to do so so it can absorb flavors.

If it’s when you’re eating out, I’m not really sure in that case. Tofu can be anything from extremely soft to pretty firm, so it could be the firmness of the tofu that’s an issue here, but it’s hard to say. I like it when tofu is very firm and then cooked to be crispy personally.

Fuck, sorry, it was a cheat day. (Eating the rich is still vegan tho btw)

Actually, out of all the foods I’ve eaten, tofu makes me feel consistently the fullest for longest. I don’t know why it works that way, but even meat was never this effective.

Also, it sounds like whatever salads you’re eating are pretty mid if you can’t feel full after them. Half a bag of iceberg lettuce with dressing and three croutons isn’t a meal.

JF, nobody accused you of sockpuppetry. Meatpuppetry maybe, but the only sockpuppet I can see is Thelemmybud.

Sprinkling in nutritional yeast is the best way to eat popcorn.

That’s me with KDE Connect on my desktop and laptop. It’s sooooo nice.

I’ve had a similar experience too. One time I couldn’t find my phone, so I start looking high and low. Not in my bedroom, not in the bathroom, the kitchen… At this point, I’m turning over every stone, looking through cabinets and drawers, running out to my car to see if it’s in there. Come back in and decide that it must’ve fallen under my bed and I just didn’t hear it. Can’t see under there really well, so I pull out the flashlight on my phone. Start looking under there, still not turning up. The panic is really starting to kick in.

An embarrassing amount of time passes before I realize that I’m holding and using the thing I’m looking for.

Yeah, like I dunno, I think a lot of things I do by accident with my ADHD are super cool. But it definitely hurts more than it helps, and I don’t think that’s just because “we live in a society”. This post feels like huffing a suffocating dose of copium.

  • “Oh, sorry, I heard literally every word of what you just said, but my brain encoded nothing.”
  • “My sleep schedule is casually off by like five hours because I lost track of time hyperfocusing on learning about competitive Jenga until 4 AM.”
  • “I know I could have been doing things, but I had this thing I needed to be at in 8 hours, so I just couldn’t focus on them.”
  • “I either lose everything or create an intricate, tedious framework for where I keep everything at all times.”
  • “I struggle immensely to cope with stress in a healthy way and have issues with my temper.”
  • “If I can focus at all, it will be on exactly one thing, either for unhealthily long periods of time to the detriment of everything else or for so briefly that I accomplish nothing before moving on to the next dopamine rush.”
  • “I have a much higher risk of substance abuse because my body is starving for dopamine.”
  • “I have trouble keeping promises I’ve made to other people because they vanish out of my mind.”
  • “I constantly miss small details and need to quintuple check everything I do.”
  • “My priorities are constantly fucked, and I consistently put off everything until the last minute.”
  • “It often feels physically painful for me to focus when it’s not on the first thing my brain decides it wants to do.”

This community in like 5 seconds (which sounds funny as fuck; amazing idea)

Interesting! I’d feel a lot more comfortable with it if it were FOSS, but it still looks like a good host. I’ll add a link to it in the sidebars with the non-FOSS disclaimer and suggest that users posting videos or very large images use it. Thank you. :)

For sure; much appreciated! And of course if I’m considering any communities going forward, deference will go to searching exhaustively for existing communities. If there’s no functional difference, I’d much prefer to revive a community and make Lemmy more resilient through decentralization.

For the time being, of course, these are the first communities I’m moderating, and so I’ll stick to these for right now.

It makes sense that centralization around a specific instance can be touchy because a lot of us are refugees from another platform whose centralized administration ruined it. I’ll explain for each one of these I mentioned why I didn’t go for it.

I will not be trying to personally revive, as I’m not a furry and have no interest in moderating a community whose unifying identity I do not and cannot relate to. That is, I’d want to help foster a community that I’d want to be a part of, which is one about Sonic rather than about how Sonic fits into the context of being a furry. I put that one in there just to address all of the ones I could possibly find. If someone does revive this community, though, I’d be happy to link it in the sidebar for the Lemmy.World one for those looking for that more specific kind of Sonic community.

As for, I decided against getting in contact with the admins and trying to work something out (I’m not unfamiliar with this, as I had to contact one of the administrators of Lemmy.World to work out the Sonic community since it had been previously deleted) predominantly because I felt the 500 kB image upload limit could be detrimental to those wanting to post fan art. That is, I thought it’d give users a better experience all while being easier to create on my home instance, making it a no-brainer to me.

Lastly, although you didn’t bring these ones up, I thought about asking to revive the SDF Sonic community, but I decided against this one just because of the name. I just really, really don’t like using underscores in community names where it’s not actually necessary. The .ml /c/sonic community just has nothing worth salvaging. And the .ml /c/metroid community has three posts that are all a few years old.

I don’t mind putting in the effort to contact moderators or administrators when I believe it will be in the best interest of the community. It’s just that for all of these, I felt like starting fresh on Lemmy.World was a better alternative (barring Sly, of course, who just strangely has nothing anywhere).

A few new communities for game series
Hi there! I recently created [[email protected]](, [[email protected]](, and [[email protected]]( for their respective series. All three of these are series I really enjoy, and it seemed like there wasn't much in the way of active communities for them. * Sly I could find nothing for. * Sonic has an SDF, .ml, and community, but these are dead, and their moderators have not posted anything anywhere in nearly a year or more. * Metroid has one nearly dead community on which I would have posted to instead, except both of its moderators seem to be long-gone as well. These all have the same (I think pretty lax) sets of rules, and I intend to share the rules across any retro gaming subreddits I may create going forward. I'm not looking for moderators right now only because these are starting out so small, but I'd be stoked to have you come check any of them out and contribute!