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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I don’t know, don’t have an instance. If it’s not just an option to still be federated but to opt out of having community posts being featured in all then maybe they should defederate with all of the other ones so they can post terrible things about the people they hate behind everyone else’s backs. Or they can just accept that when someone (even a mod) posts something antagonistic, it’s going to get down votes.

I seriously doubt that vegan posts showing off durian jerky, or even posts about how long cows could live if the meat industry didn’t slaughter them at peak profit efficiency, would be downvoted that much.

Then shouldn’t their space be private, so they don’t show up on all? They are begging for downvotes with how nasty their memes are. I understand their point, but i am sure that my understanding is much better reserved for non jerks.

Neither does mlem. I hope it stays that way