Hey guys, it's me, Bizzle. I'm a tech hobbyist, but I think I'm a little out of my element here and I'm hoping you can help.
I have a ProxMox server at home, part of it is running Lemmy. I want to make the rest of it run NextCloud. I have a domain name, but I only have one IP address. Therefore, lemmy.moorefam.net points to my house and I forward the port from the VM running Lemmy.
What I want is for nextcloud.moorefam.net to point to a different VM, on my home network. But I don't know how to set that up.
Thanks in advance,
I have already blocked threads on my household instance. I decided that I don’t want to have to trust major instance admins to take the same things seriously that I do.
I think that handling federation by domain name is, in a word, whack.
It should be verified by GPG keys instead and be domain/IP agnostic.