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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


link doesn’t work. literally nobody can figure out hos to link thing here. The system makes no sense… this really need to get smoothed out. I got these links from your community which I just got to by typing.

hopefully at least one of the works.

well you can hold an unpopular belief at any intensity. they are independent variables.

For example, I think store-brand (any store brand) potato chips are better than the same flavor/style of the national brand 100% of the time. I infer this is unpopular because the national brand costs $2-3x as much so there is no reason to ever buy them, yet they stay in business and I see people eating them.

But I by no means feel strongly about this. It has been probably 10 years since I mentioned it to anyone. I wouldn’t turn down any potato chip no mater how expensive it is. They are all pretty good tbh.

Maybe what you are actually trying to capture is along the lines of:
or simply
StonglyHeldBeliefs… isn’t that what you want to see?

Tho you know what you might really get a kick out of is this podcast: Trampoline Hall. RSS feed. You can find youtubes if you prefer.

Trampoline Hall is a barroom lecture… it asks lecturers to take a vulnerable, theatrical risk and speak on a subject they’re not professionally expert in. Subjects range from absurd and arcane obsessions to heartbreakingly personal stories.

I think you might find some good energy there.

my opinion is that the unpopularopinion people should have more rigorous methodologies when asserting as to the popularity of an opinion. Is that a popular opinion? I doubt it. But I don’t know for sure so I guess I won’t tie my identity to it. Does it count as unpopular because virtually no one on earth has ever thought about it one way or the other? Or do you only include in the n people who have some opinion on the question?

What will the citation requirements be for this subreddit?

if you could figure out where the point “live” maybe it would be possible to reset them to 0 on a periodic basis.

Also whether you automatically upvote yourself (which is visible with the others) depends on server/instance. kbin does not self upvote automatically right now.

idk it was more karma than I ever had. always toiling away in the comments of less popular subreddits.

Currently I have 1737 rep points. It says I joined a month ago and you joined 3 weeks ago so I think you are beating me by a bit. I guess your strategy is working! :D

if you switch to kbin, you can then use Kbin Enhancement Suite to hide it. :) edit: from yourself, not from others.

hate to break it to you but you have 1512 reputation points

@scarabic you folks go and have fun. but fyi discouraging thinking about whether this particular action will have any effect even in the ballpark of the goal will pretty much ensure whatever you are doing won’t make a difference.

enjoy your masturbation
