if i say “look i’d date my buddy steve but he doesn’t have tits and he does have a dick, and it just so happens that i like tits and i don’t like dick.”
that’s me saying “yes steve’s a standup guy and sure i could theoretically date him but there are glaring differences in my preferences and his equipment.”
that’s not homophobic. that’s not transphobic. it’s a manner of speaking in a comedic tone in a community that is based in comedy.
and my guy/gal, you don’t know me or what i’ve done throughout my life, so starting in with a declarative “you’re not an ally!” really? jump to conclusions much? i can still be a staunch ally for someone’s rights and equal treatment and still say “preferences are preferences”. it may not be an ally on your perfect terms, and i’m okay with that.
i’m going to state anything to anyone the way i would another person, regardless of sexual preference, gender, race, religion, whatever. and if that person doesn’t like something, that’s their prerogative.
this is coming from a staunch fucking ally that has been there for more than a couple of friends that have transitioned.
but you gotta realize the outside world is not beholden to your preferences or desires. and if someone else runs counter to that, it’s literally as simple as not dating the guy.
he stated his preference. he likes breasts. he doesn’t like dicks. he would likely say that he likes breasts because as is obvious, the dude likes em. so it someone had a problem with that type of complimenting, it’d probably not work out.
sooooooooooooooooooooo there’s literally no problem here except you’re feeling attacked. with the amount of things y’all have to put up with in society, i understand y’all’s bitterness and anger and exasperation and frustration with any interactions. but this seems a silly hill to die on. it’s a dude’s preference.
feeling it in me bones