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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Oh yeah, 100%.

I actually just ended a nearly 5-year long partnership because I (at the time subconsciously) realized that something like that was happening to me, and it was getting worse, not better. Granted, it’s a bit of a mirror to what you’re describing, but not having my (now ex) partner around has granted me a frankly shocking amount of energy that I now see was just being sapped away due to their extreme depression and sedentary nature. Ngl, there’s parts that are rough (because, you know, five years is a lot of history with a person), but on balance I genuinely feel WAY better, and I feel like I’m continuing to move in a positive direction, personally.

There’s also probably some codependency shit I need to dig into with my therapist, but I’m at least much more aware of these tendencies nowadays, so I can actually try to actively mitigate the negative aspects.

Is this where we’re supposed to post when we are installing arch Linux?

Frankly, just stop buying, and let your stash run out. That’s a big part of how I cut back on drink, too, and why I’m doing that with my own stash now. It can be particularly difficult for people with adhd to find balance in moderation, in my experience. Simply not having it around, and only partaking when you’re out with friends or whatever has been a very useful tactic for me personally.

At any rate, I know everyone’s different and has their own circumstances that affect the dynamic, but I wish you luck on your journey to find more balance. It’s way harder than most people understand it to be.

Tankies != Communists

Tankies == Authoritarian Communists and Stalin/Mao/etc apologists

They are very different, despite sharing a word.

The lemmy.ml instance has been problematic for a while largely because it’s rife with tankies, but it’s gotten a lot worse lately, and the mods and admins are going kinda crazy over there banning people and censoring stuff.

This is the fediverse working as intended. An instance gets shitty, and people migrate away from it to a better instance.

The moderation issue over there is problematic, but at the end of the day, if that’s how the .ml admins want to play it, it’s kinda their call. There’s no appeal process - they are the ultimate authority for that instance. And the user base can stay or migrate, depending on whether they want to put up with that bullshit. In a way, it’s actually kinda cool to see the theory of fediverse user migration patterns actually play out in response to real life context.

For real, dude. I was out of the country for about 3 weeks recently and holy fuck you start to really notice the difference about halfway through week 2.

Since getting back, I’ve cut back a good bit, and I’m planning on letting my supply run out and not refilling it for a while, because if it’s in the house I’ll use it in an idle moment after work without even thinking sometimes.

Also, the paradigm shift hits a LOT of things. I’m glad I did it. It’s helped me notice and actually acknowledge several pretty important things in my life - some good, some bad, some both.

The battletech universe is basically Game of Thrones in space + the “knights” use battlemechs. It’s great.

For turn-based, Battletech is also outstanding, and has tons of mods you can explore that significantly deepen the gameplay. Stock is not that hard once you figure out the mechanics, but you can mod it so that you’re basically playing with an insanely-detailed, extended version of tabletop rules.

Edit: added link

Lmao the amount of time I’ve wasted on the various Civ incarnations over the years is… well… we shouldn’t talk about it 😬

It do be like that

Part of the problem is that with so many devices and stimulus vectors, we never let ourselves really get truly bored anymore. Being bored is sometimes good.

That said, it takes more than a bit of effort to break reflexes and habits around just grabbing you’re phone or kindle or whatever when something isn’t actively engaging you.

The endorphins you get from working out are probably helping, too

When the weather’s nice, I like biking. In terms of ADHD stuff, doing a thing that takes you out of your house on a loop effectively forces you to complete it. Like, if I go for a 2h ride and then decide I’m not into it half way through… I still have to keep going. But also, just being outside with varied scenery tends to make boredom much less of a problem.

When it’s hot, swimming. You can get into a really nice rhythm with it, and it’s a truly outstanding full-body workout. Also, once your endurance gets high enough, if you are doing long-distance sets, you will get fatigued, but you will also 100% be riding that endorphin high, which is kind of a fun sensation.

When it’s cold (like, New England cold, not CA cold), mostly just walks. And skiing.

If there ever was a sign that I might have ADHD… what was I talking about?

his general video format is as follows:


ow. FUCK that hurt. Don’t try that at home.

Yep. It’s still pretty hard, even on the smallest ship classes. You will absolutely not get it on your first try.

I first got 100% on a small cargo-type ship first, and then one of the medium-sized science ship classes, but there are a lot of bigger ones that I haven’t done. Also there’s a medium-sized patrol/tug class that I’m not sure is actually possible to 100%, because the only way to get the engine cores out is to slice active fuel lines, RCS/tether-pull at high speed through a huge engine nacelle while the fuel lines are flaming around you, and pull a switch all the way at the front of the damn thing within 15 or so seconds, otherwise the fucker blows itself apart and kills you lol

The only thing you get for reaching 100% salvaged is a steam badge… but it’s one that I’m actually kind of proud of, because it’s REALLY hard to do on the larger ships. One slightly misaligned cut and you’ve tossed a couple of work :P

Hardspace Shipbreaker is GREAT as a chillout game, especially if you play in easy/non-time-limited mode. I’ve spent HOURS slicing and dicing starships into their constituent components :D

Confluence is an absolute travesty and I die inside a little bit every time I’m forced to edit a page.

We already did that last week

I’m guessing that link is still blue for you

<AzureDiamond> wait, how do you know my pw?
<Cthon98> er, I just copy pasted YOUR ******'s and it appears to YOU as hunter2 cause its your pw
<AzureDiamond> oh, ok.

Nailed it

It’s also piped to sudo so that’s super cool too

We were so close to saving the world from the travesty that was the last couple seasons… I weep for what shouldn’t have been.


Random rocks and dirt: kills redshirt

I fully expect someone to R34 beans in the near future

0 (zero). No, that’s not a joke. Yes, I’m serious.

Seriously - at least Japanese people go out to drink and bitch about it. Americans fucking flex on how much more they work than 40h a week like it’s something to be proud of.

That sounds an awful fucking lot like some of the rationale the confederates used around the time of the civil war.

That’s the thing - I don’t care about your opinion. Neither does anyone else.