I am Idk837384, but you can just call me IDK. I have begun migrating to the fediverse. I am very gay; A semi-decent programmer; Love cats; Male, but I’m good with any pronouns; Socials: Discord: idk837384#8092; Lemmy: you’re looking at it rn; Pleroma: [email protected];

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


Of course not, why would you mention such a thing?

I don’t really know if they’re bad, since I haven’t touched either in years, but they’re both definitely easy distros to get into for beginners who dont want to spend hours configuring their system, thus them being in the yes part of having a life.

You don’t need to download F-droid, you can just scroll down to the downloads section on that page. Also you can just find the ViMusic GitHub repo and download it from the releases there.

Yeah I’ve also found some really great songs through ViMusic

Yeah downloading is also great, but this is good for people who just want a Spotify alternative or something and just want to stream rather than download.

A great mobile app for free music
I recently got into the piracy community, and discovered a great open source app for Android that allows you to stream music for free from YouTube music! It's called [ViMusic](https://f-droid.org/packages/it.vfsfitvnm.vimusic/) and it's one of the best free music apps imo. It has a beautiful and customizable interface and it actually has a music recommendation algorithm which is one of the main reasons people still pay for music subscriptions like Apple Music instead of pirating. This app has been really helpful to me and I hope that it can be to you too :)