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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I seriously doubt this is a good faith effort by meta to be a part of the fediverse. Give this article a read. https://ploum.net/2023-06-23-how-to-kill-decentralised-networks.html

yeah after doing more research it seems 99% isopropyl is better for what I want to use it for anyway, and that’s what I ordered. So not really looking for this anymore, and yeah someone else pointed out what you did and I admit it was a bad assumption that it was 100% alcohol.

I actually ordered a bottle of 99% isopropyl to give that a try

I think the point that it’s not 100% is fair. It’s just hardware store denatured alcohol and I assumed it was 100% since every other alcohol bottle either says proof or %, which was a mistake on my part regardless of whether it is actually 100% or not. It has always worked better for me than 91% isopropyl though and was the only other thing available.

I don’t… sounds like something I should have had many years ago though.

that’s fair enough. It’s my bad for assuming it was 100%, I just assumed that if it wasn’t 100% it would have said so on the bottle. it’s just denatured alcohol as you would have(in the past) bought from the hardware store.

Thanks, but I was unaware. I was just copying what I’ve seen elsewhere.

We don’t really have electronics stores here anymore. The highest I’ve seen locally is 91%, and while it does kind of clean it off, denatured alcohol has always worked a lot better for me so it’s disappointing to see that it’s gone. I’ll probably just order some online. But still, I’d be interested in knowing why.

Maybe if it is 100%. I have tried 91% and it doesn’t work as well. It needs to be able to clean rosin flux.

What happened to denatured alcohol?
I'm in US-GA and I cannot find denatured alcohol locally. WTF happened? I need something 100% alcohol for cleaning electronics.