Owner of lemmy.uhhoh.com

Contact info at kate.fail

  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Game Chat Screenshots
gamers say the weirdest stuff

mashed potato is a sauce

We already have a few of these, is there a need to split the user base further?

i love trans righhts so much omg

I love my shark plushie so much omg his name is bloop and he s so soft ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Can confirm, already defederated them from my lemmy

Probably a lot 😭😭 mine is an old gaming PC with a 3700x and a GTX 970, I try not to think about it. Still, cheaper than 10 streaming services.

Message received :)

The behind the scenes of his restaurant opening seems to show how he acts under stress, too, although I’m sure it was cut down a lot