actually, could you tell me more? not only are those new solutions to me, those are new problems. I don’t even know how to tell if uPnP is turned on.
edit: oh! I have actually dealt with NAT reflection before, the guide I used called it Hairpin NAT.
I wish I had a better guide on that myself! I’ve been using this guide for the time being, it covers the basics of how to set up a firewall:
I have to consciously remember to brush my teeth every time too, or maybe I notice my mouth tastes bad and that prompts me to do it, but I don’t have like a little “bedtime routine script” inside my head that I can push “play” on. Maybe it’s always hard for everyone and neurotypical people are just lying about habits?
I agree in theory, but in practice, when Google dropped RSS and XMPP support it took most of my friends with it, which is what started this mess in the first place. I’m actually not a fan of mastodon; feels too ambitious to start a new protocol without a killer app. RSS and XMPP are extensible protocols and I really just want modern support for those.
I’ve changed my naming scheme so many times that its practically a set-of-sets at this point. But, “board games” is a good long one if you have a lot of machines.