to be fair to OP, I have only seen this done by women, too.
When you have to explain to an adult woman that leaving the heater on max is like opening the faucet in the sink, and leaving the house, maybe it’s not a surprise that it causes her to have a nervous breakdown. (since if she was a rational thinker, she wouldn’t be doing it in the first place)
Still weird that I have never seen this done by a man.
I noticed that, too. reddit became so sad and depressing. Every cute animal had a granny comment “just like my pumpkin who i buried last week”.
The comments were dads trying to be funny, and the porn was self-proclaimed milfs trying to make a quick buck on onlyfans. I tried the nsfw server here, and of course the sellers are already there, but maybe it will be better with more individual governance, and with fewer people overall.
Maybe being the front page or the Internet isn’t so great after all for its users.
explain how