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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


I am too grossed out to continue this conversation. You win.

Success is never wiping your ass. Ever.

radicalism politically is to be pushing for a change at the root of something

You mean that thing right-wing ideology exists to prevent? There is no such thing as a “right-wing radical” - right-wing ideology exists to protect the status quo and destroy or co-opt that which advocates “change at the root…” it has no reason to exist otherwise.

I think it is pretty fair to say OPs mom could fit this.

The paranoid racism displayed by OP’s mom isn’t “radical” - it’s bog-standard right-wing white supremacist colonialist paranoia.

You can again tell by the fact that nobody uninronically considers themselves a reactionary.

They also generally do not self-identify as fascists or white supremacists, and you can easily anger most right-wingers even by just calling them right-wingers - so your point is… what?

I probably should… but I have to admit that I kinda enjoy reporting them.

Thanks - I’ll certainly look into it.

You can’t “de-radicalize” your mom because your mom has never been “radicalized” in the first place - if she was, she’d be spray-painting ACAB on the walls and quoting Bakunin or Marx at everyone.

Your mom has been turned into a reactionary - pretty much the opposite of that which is radical. And since you have access to your mom’s youtube account, it’s radical content that is required to start levering open the cognitive dissonance that right-wing content attempts to paper over.

However, it can’t just be any radical content - it has to be radical content that specifically addresses things that are relevant to your mom. I’ll use my own mom as an example… she has always been angry about the fact that my (late) father essentially tossed away the family’s nest-egg in his obsessive attempts to become a successful business owner - I showed her some videos explaining how this neolib cult of business-ownership was popularized by the likes of Reagan and Thatcher (which she had no difficulty believing because my dad was a rabid right-winger who constantly brought these two fuckheads up in conversation during the 80s) which led to a lot of good conversations.

Obviously, your mom will not be as receptive to new information as mine is - so you may have to be a bit sneakier about it. But I don’t see too many other options for you at this point.

I just want to point out to anyone who thinks this is a viable legal defence, It isn’t.

Of course it isn’t. Copyright laws were written by the same kind of people who decided that corporations gets to “people.”

I have to clear out my youtube recommendations about once a week… no matter how many times I take out or report all the right-wing garbage, you can bet everything that by the end of the week there will be a Jordan Peterson or PragerU video in there. How are people who aren’t savvy to the right-wing’s little “culture war” supposed to navigate this?

Their attempts to pretend software copying is anything serious was as hilarious in '93 as it is today.