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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I think it was probably the machine that crushes us all, the bureaucratic, capitalist nightmare of uncaring government coupled with the military industrial complex.

Nah they DIWH. Did it with help.

The FBI would like to have a look at all the anti trans politicians search engine history for grooming content.

Politicians start to sweat.

Google has a screen call function. It reads a script and gives the caller a chance to respond all visible on screen so I can choose to answer actual humans.

It has been useful as the actual government called me and it wasn’t a scam.

Get a vasectomy, it will calm your worries about accidents. If you can’t give a child a life of safety and security where they won’t suffer the consequences of a world fucked up by corporations and the rich for greed then just don’t do it.

Giant flexible solar sails on shipping freighters powering the engines and catching wind could be an interesting and old school way of moving products. I think possibly direct airship shipping would be more interesting. Tens of thousands of slow moving solar powered airships moving freight without having to deal with multiple transportation solutions.

Pickup at factory, move across ocean on airship, deliver to customer. Much better than pickup at warehouse deliver to terminal, move to carrier, carrier moves it to terminal, load on ship, cross world, unload off ship, loads container onto train, train take container to yard, stores at yard, loaded onto truck, deliver to terminal.

I actually had a girl give me a hard time over this because she was iPhone and I’m android.

As I said acting like a dick.

When on Apple and texting another apple user the text bubbles are one color. When texting any other brand it shows up another color. So iPhone users can act like dicks because they are the in crowd when messaging eachother.

Why do priests wear frocks? So the boys don’t hear the zipper

I have a very specific way of remembering names. I don’t know if it will work for everybody but I find It works 95% of the time. When someone is being introduced to me I get the new person to tell me their name and then I get somebody else to introduce me then say their name back to them. Instead of just one memory pathway being built I have multiple ways at once.