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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


I wonder if there’ll be an NFL community that will become more active once the season starts up this week.

I thought Applebee’s was the fancy restaurant, as least according to song.

It’s also hard to make enemies as an adult.

If Dick Dastardly didn’t stop to cheat he would have won every one of the Wacky Races. It’s really his own fault.

I turned on BET the other day and was disappointed by the lack of gambling tips.

And these towns tend to have like 2.75 cops per person and they aren’t afraid to pull you over for going 26mph.

I now want to watch Garfield cartoons for some reason…

That’s exactly how I got Limewire Pro. I don’t know anyone who paid for it or WinRAR.

Kids these days are lucky. The only prize we got in the cereal box was medical debt.

I’d pull a Back to the Future and bet on sporting events that I already know the outcome.

I’m not old, I’m… wait, what was I talking about again?

To you, maybe. To everyone else in the restaurant it sounds like nails on a chalkboard.

Where are the screenshots of beans?

I used to use my VCR to tell time. It was always 12:00.