In the streets I’m a leftist from Ohio & an IATSE stagehand.

On the sheets I’m a duergar dwarf swashbuckling rogue named Fargrim. #5e

I love my pets, I enjoy live music, and I’m a cannabis legalization advocate.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023



However it doesn’t look like the updated image federated to

Oh well. Appreciate the effort 😎

I encourage you to crop your photos before posting on the fediverse. I have seen that add for PUBG far to many times now.

I used xmpp pretty extensively right before google started using it. The future was bright. Then Google connected to it and shit started getting weird. Only some features would work with Google talk, or would work inconsistently. But Google talk -> Google talk always worked. So lots of people started using it exclusively. Then it seemed to fragment into different ecosystems.