Unmarketable Plushie


Just your average unmarketable, anticapitalist plushie gal. I love games (video games, board games, card games, ttrpgs, etc.) and other nerd shit.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


cad comic dot tumblr dot com my beloved

Image transcription: A photograph of a bootleg backpack. It features the name "Harry Potter" above vertical text reading "OBAMA". To the right of the vertical text is an image of Sonic the Hedgehog, but coloured haphazardly in bright yellow, red, and blue. The number "10" is written on his belly. End transcription.

There are plenty of white supremacist fans of Insane Clown Posse, despite the fact that ICP has released multiple songs about violently mutilating and killing white supremacists

Hey, I’d be happy to mod. I have a decent amount of free time and I have had some experience moderating in the past, including one small subreddit where I had to deal with regular brigading and trolls.

Reddit: u/piraka-the-plant (also u/pirakaplant but I deleted that account after Reddit decided I was being very mean to a certain human trafficker and permanently suspended it)

Nedankinde. This is an issue we all care about, after all.

One of the mods made a post about how this comment being really creepy about trans men’s bodies somehow wasn’t transphobic and then deleted it after people started calling them out lol

I know, right?

Moss, if you’re reading this, do better. You might not consider that kind of rhetoric transphobic, but you don’t speak for all trans people here. And most of the trans members of this community who have spoken on this are talking about how uncomfortable it makes them feel to see this kind of shit being tolerated. For the love of god, do better.

Ironically, the moderator who keeps insisting that it wasn’t transphobic is actually trans.

They really need to take a long hard look in the mirror.

Never go to Canada bruh they got the moon lord there 💀💀💀

Oh, you saw that comment section too, huh?

Yeah it fucking sucks. I hope that it won’t become the norm for Lemmy’s 196.

I didn’t really get that impression of them, but if that’s what they believe I guess that’s alright.

One of their other comments here, which painted trans women as narcissists for hating bigots, didn’t exactly sit well with me though.

Oh, I think I misunderstood. Sorry about that.

If they think it isn’t acceptable, why do they think that way?

I see. I don’t necessarily see those as equal either, but I respect your opinion.

If someone is fixated with a body part that you loathe, with no respect for your own bodily autonomy, there is no room for “negotiation”. Being single is better than living with someone like that.

I don’t think you understand my rebuttal. My point is that you’re equating a substance abuse problem with treating someone with basic respect. They are fundamentally different issues.


You’re making a false equivalence there, comparing a drug to a human being with thoughts and feelings. If you change your sentence to “I would abuse my partner if I had one”, one involving an actual human being, people would be telling you to get therapy even if you remained single, because it’s unhealthy way to think about human beings.

Well, I apologise for misconstruing you then.

Believe it or not, but it IS transphobic to deliberately keep triggering someone’s dysphoria like that.

That’s so obviously not what the problem is here, you’re just misdirecting.

The problem people are having is their weird fixation on the breasts of trans men, and their own admission they’d be a nonstop creep about it.

Are you thick? I’m saying that thinking that’s an acceptable thing to say about someone’s body in that context, regardless of whether you’re daring them or not, is actually fucked in the head.

Also, that’s an absolute classic opening to your argument: “I’m an ally, but … Wait! Wait! I have trans friends so that automatically makes me correct about any transgender issues whatsoever!” Never heard that before. /s

I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but that comment is actually pretty fucking gross. If the hypothetical trans guy is fine with his boobs, no problem. But the insinuation that OOP would keep “complimenting” someone on a part of their body that makes them dysphoric is just sickening.

I’m a trans girl. I really don’t like having a flat chest, it makes me dysphoric. Yes, there are girls with flat chests, both cis and trans, that are fine with that, and yes, I do find girls with flat chests attractive too. But if someone went up to me and kept telling me my flat chest was hot, despite knowing that it made me, uncomfortable, I’d fucking deck them.

Image transcript: A post on r/twosentencehorror that reads: "I'm never afraid" Then the teacher handed out scary soda End transcript.

Oh fuck off. This is just victim blaming.

Weirdo libertarians like you don’t understand how the world works at all, so I’m not surprised.

What do you even think taxes are for? What services do you think they even provide for you?

I guess we should take away healthcare, since that only affects individuals. Sick people should pull themselves up by their own bootstraps!

Why does my doctor charge for a doctor’s note?

You think people should PAY for healthcare? LMFAO

Why does it literally cost over $100 to change two lines on a piece of paper? Literally, why put such a ridiculously inflated price on a government service?

Image transcription: The caption reads "The government after making trans people pay hundreds of dollars to change two lines on a piece of paper:" This caption is followed by a gif of a guy struggling to hold large stacks of cash against his head. End transcription.

There was no response, he spontaneously combusted upon seeing it like it was the face of God

Same with Thunder

Fucked up rn chained to the massive blunt