I’m in my mid 30s, and I have been dealing with ADHD my whole life. I have some important, but hard advice. If you aren’t up for that, just don’t read the rest of my comment.
I get the frustration of having people not struggling telling you to just struggle harder, and people you would expect sympathy from (friends, family) not supporting or sympathizing with you.
That said, and this is a bitter pill to swallow, the world at large does not care about your personal conditions. Whether you are a reliable friend, teammate, worker, spouse, etc matters far more than your ever present inner turmoil.
Work with medical professionals to get your symptoms under control so you don’t beat yourself up at every turn for fucking up in ways that you are predisposed to. Learn to work with and around your own shortcomings and limitations instead of beating your head against the same damn wall every time. Build proper internal responses and coping skills to these events.
You clearly are aware of some of your own behavioral and thinking patterns that are not good or helpful, like overanalyzation after a fuck up. You already have your targets for things about yourself to work on.
This is not a nice thing to hear or to have to do, but it is essential if you want to survive as a grown ass adult in this world. You don’t need to be perfect, but you will need to keep trying to do better, forever.
You can blame the condition that you are just going to have to live the rest of your life with, or you can take ownership that you fucked up again and work to not do it going forward. The fact that you are already beating yourself up about your mistake does not invalidate the right of other people to be frustrated at what happened.
No one has the right to make their internal turmoil everyone else’s problem, even if it may be particularly burdensome. The world should be far more sympathetic and empathetic, but at some point you have to take responsibility for you. That means more than “I feel so bad”, it also means “What can I do to prevent repeats, that I can actually follow through on rather than just have as magical thinking?”
Don’t make plans dependent on getting your shit together. Make plans that will still work even if you keep fucking up in the same ways you did before.
It all gets easier with time, as long as you keep trying.
I’d argue that they aren’t entirely wrong, just coming to the entirely wrong conclusion.
It absolutely benefits the 1% to have people fighting about stuff that keeps them out if the crosshairs, but the solution isn’t to be an asshole and stamp out any attempts at progress in culture and acceptance. The solution is to accept people and progress cultural stuff faster to unite people better.
If you’re going to be militant about the class war, don’t you want as many allies as possible? Within reason of course, don’t want bigoted assholes.
Yeah, it’s laughable that he thinks contradicting actions by those in power are strange. The whole point is to keep people squabbling amongst themselves about social issues and ignoring the constantly growing class divide going on.
Both are important, but imo a poor trans person has more in common with a poor redneck than a poor redneck has in common with a rich white business owner. And everyone has more in common with each other than they do with any member of the true 1% (meaning not white landlords of one or two inherited properties, but the people who own organizations like Blackrock).
Now if only we could get bigots to understand that instead of perpetuating more division between people.
Sounds like something to discuss with your doctor before you travel. Surely a trip lasting longer than your script wasn’t something that just happened last minute.
Cutting the shit, since you’re all but screaming about committing crimes…
I would really, really suggest not playing games with stimulants from untrusted sources. There are plenty of stories of people doing things completely on the up and up through their doctor and getting screwed when their doctor or pharmacy switches them to a generic brand version manufactured by a different company that is not as effective for them.
That’s going through proper channels, getting medicine manufactured by properly controlled companies. I’d hate to think how wide effectiveness could swing outside that environment, even if what you got was “pure”.
You’re far more likely to find it in stock just by checking an ever increasing radius of local pharmacies. I get mine from one an hour away from where I live, but not too far from my work so it all works out. Pharmacies in higher population areas seem to have a better time getting stock.
Lastly, the fediverse is probably the last place you want to be posting about committing felonies. All it takes is for the post to be federated to an instance that doesn’t federate deletions and it will live forever.
Unfortunately I don’t have the posts handy, but it was discussed in the sub on Reddit for ADHD that sometimes starting new meds can cause a sort of euphoria feeling early on. I’ve definitely had that sort of feeling before when I’ve went a while without then got back on them. For me it tends to last anywhere from a day to a week.
Just be careful and give it the amount of time your doctor said it would take for them to work for your body to get used to them. Especially if you aren’t sleeping. That’s really not good. Might be best to try and stay in some, as this can be somewhat like a manic episode.
Unfortunately, what you’re experiencing right now is the “adhd meds are just coke” sort of thing. Here’s your coke effects. Mania and sleep deprivation.
Sidenote, strattera did literally nothing for me. Glad it’s doing something for you.
The full dicography of Soichi Terada is my whale. A bonus would be all the other Far East Recording artists too, but Terada is the big deal for me.
Terada is a Japanese house music artist who was most active in the 90s, but anyone outside of Japan might know him better as the soundtrack artist for Ape Escape for the PS1.
What makes it particularly hard is that a good chunk of his work was vinyl only. I’ve got his more recent stuff that got CD releases.
Not wrong, but did we seriously travel back to late 2000’s 4chan? There’s far more apt ways to communicate the concept that communities tend to degenerate to fit the lowest common denominator of their users, and that will only shift lower as the userbase grows. Any community will be better quality when the majority of its userbase consists of people deeply invested in the topic.
I’ve found that talking like a reasonable adult rather than relying on NEET/internet denizen slang as shorthand tends to help “hot takes” like this be taken more seriously. It also gives more for others to respond to, in regards to adding anything useful to a conversation/comment chain.
If it wasn’t being used as a means for ego, there is monetary motivation. During the migration off reddit there was some discussion in the fediverse about how/where you could sell your reddit account and for how much depending on the karma.
Why are legitimate accounts valuable? Basically, if you’re a company and you want to shill your products without spending money on ads, you can do “native marketing”. It’s basically spreading word about your product through normal comments and posts on social media, attpting to blend in with natural discussion and legitimate product reccomendations by real people. There’s also some studies that indicate that people are more receptive to this sort of thing than more traditional marketing.
It’s easier to masquerade as a real person when you can buy an account in good standing that has “real person” posting habits from before it was sold to you.
Like most subreddits it devolved over time, but hailcorporate used to be pretty good at calling out this sort of stealth marketing, like when posts would make it to the top of the picture based subs with product placement in the background. Like “I thought I could trust my new puppy home alone finally, but I came home to this” picture of a torn up couch, but the coffee table has fast food bags on it placed with the logo clearly visible. Sometimes they even reported groups of shill accounts by documenting coordinated changes in posting behavior across groups of accounts.
I dont have file sharing between my phone and other devices
That’s patently false. If your device has internet, and your phone has internet, you have file sharing. Email it to yourself if you’re too lazy to set up anything else. It takes like 30 seconds.
I’d argue that anything you could post that isn’t worth taking that small bit of extra time isn’t worth posting in the first place. If you want your discussion places to stay quality and attract quality content, then you need to put forth a bare minimum bit of effort. Communities already trend towards lower effort as they grow in size, there’s no need to accelerate that to save yourself a few seconds.
Beyond that, setting up a file share on your home network isn’t that tough if you have any interest in doing it.
It’s a journey to find the right dosage, and combo of meds. Not to be negative but it took me literal years. Despite the horror of that statement, it was and continues to be worth it.
The “superhuman” feeling at the beginning is normal, and it’s normal for it to fade. Whenever I lapse in taking my meds (new doctor is being a pain in the ass with refills) I get that again for about two days. That high point is not what you should be chasing as a new normal, but to be fair it doesn’t sound like you are. That full superhuman feeling wouldn’t be lasting for two whole weeks, or months.
The meds aren’t going to make you not yourself. They aren’t going to magically change yoir bad habits for you. In fact, they can exacerbate some bad habits by enabling you to focus on them for longer periods of time. It does for me. The meds should enable you to stop yourself when you are making a bad decision and redirect yourself. They should prevent situations where you know what you need to do but can’t will yourself to do.
Discuss all of this with your doctor.