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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


What I’m surprised about is that he didn’t use Facebook.

The email one is good. Someone I was explaining it to said “so it’s like Napster for social media?”. After thinking about it for a second I just said “yes! That’s pretty close”. It’s not really like Napster, but that’s a good enough analogy that they understood.

Vim is the best editor for editing directly on the server, but you really shouldn’t be editing directly on the server.

Is picking a server/federation too complicated?

Apparently anything beyond filling out a registration form is too complicated for a lot of people. Heck, even that seems to be too much for some people, hence the popularity of login with Facebook or Google features. Personally I’m happy to be away from people who can’t figure out simple concepts. But, I’m the exact person you described in your post, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You don’t wait and see how it goes with these sorts of things. They will destroy the community before you can take action and it’ll be too late. They will do their best to destroy the fediverse and privatize it. They can’t buy it like they usually do with competition, so they’ll ooze their way in, contribute bullshit to the project, create new proprietary functionality that only works on their instance, convince everyone all the other instances are broken, and walk away with all the users. You don’t invite vampires into your house.

Scanning and evaluating context from people who don’t use a given service and haven’t consented should be illegal. For example, I don’t use Gmail because I don’t want Google scanning all of my emails. But everyone else does, so Google gets to scan all of my emails anyways when I email other people, and build a profile on me based on other people’s lack of concern for their privacy. This issue should have been legislated years ago, but instead we have so called progressive politicians slurping Facebook’s balls.

They infer it through your activities online. If you’re constantly visiting the Mercedes Benz website they can determine that you’re likely in the upper middle class. They use information like that, combined with an evaluation of your approximate education level based on the way you type, combined with what you say, to figure out your income bracket. Then they scan all of your comments, location history, pictures, contacts etc., and put together a profile on your likely interests, political affiliation, and other relevant information for advertisers. It is all very sophisticated and creepy.

And get it while they’re young, because once they’re old the insurance companies will say no.

Why would anyone ever believe either of them would actually go through with it? It’s a free PR stunt to stay relevant and also an ego boost for them. Leave it. Act like it doesn’t exist. It’s trash and should be left in the dumpster, along with those two.

This extends to pets. It cost us thousands of dollars to lose our dog.

What they do is pass laws to make their cheating legal and therefore not cheating, while making actual honest competition illegal, and therefore cheating. The game is easy when it’s rigged.

It could realistically be that, or something else, no one knows

Based on literally every other move Facebook has ever made, it’s pretty safe to assume it’s that.