Although i think it’s great that secondhand places are concerned about the condition of items, i feel like it’s gotten a bit ridiculous.
I’ve gotten brand new things straight from the manufacturer that were in poorer conditon than some of the things they’ve turned down. And I’m not really comfortable using craigslist or facebook marketplace or the like so i end up feelling bad about tossing perfectly fine stuff.
That makes sense! I guess for me, personally, if I want to be able to access and interact with multiple types of media I should create an account with a platform that supports multiple other platforms like kbin does.
I wonder if there will be a platform that is dedicated to supporting as many of the other large fediverse platforms as possible.
Thanks for the explanation!
This confuses me as to what the long term appeal of a lemmy or mastodon account is. Would general users be better off joining kBin, while users who want to only interact with mastodon, or only interact with lemmy, and not with each other, would join either lemmy or mastodon?
It sounds like KBin has the best support for acting as an alternative frontend for lemmy and mastodon. If someone on lemmy links to a mastodon post, or vice versa, you have to leave the instance to go view and interact with the post, but on kBin that could not neccesarily be the case.
It just seems like having some sort of universal frontend would be the most flexible and not have any downsides.
No, this is all canon