I remember in 8th grade we got our first really serious big assignment. My teacher specifically looked at me and said: you have 8 weeks to do this, you’ll need 8 weeks to do this, this isn’t one of these things where you can start a week before it’s due and pass.
All i heard was that i can pass wjen i start 2 weeks before.
I started on the friday before, so i still had 3 good days. But saturday, my friend wasn’t home from whom i needed the book from to do my assignment, so i still had the whole sunday. I got an A and learned that school is a scam
Ich fand es recht lustig als ich letztens beim Schwimmbad vorbei geradelt bin und da die polizei zwei marokkanisch aussehende teenager durchsucht haben, wärend auf der andern Strassenseite ein paar andere jugendliche gekifft haben und sich das schauspiel angeguckt haben oder auf ihre zwei marokkanisch aussehenden freunde gewartet haben.
It’s so wild how absolutely weak some people have gotten honestly. Maybe it’s being lazy, i don’t know. I was sitting on a table with friends and a couple talked about how they go on vacation in a sort of natural habitat or something. There are no cars, you park outside and then walk like 25min. And everyone talked about how insane that 25min walk is, and how it’s possible that they don’t offere rides or someone pick them up on a atv or something. Like the conversation went on for so long that i wasn’t sure if it was just a joke at some point. They googled the resort and looked for ways to maybe uber in or something. 25minute walk is what i do with my dog at night, every night.
These guys are weird as fuck. My dad is like that too. He’s also overweight by like 100kg and throws a hissy fit when there is a parking spot free that saves him 5 steps. I live very rural and while i have a car, i usually take my ebike to the next town or further. People can’t comprehend that i enjoy walking or biking.
How do you shower dor 20 minutes?