I do both lathing and milling! The past few jobs I did were water spindles for fire departments, a few small electronic pieces for some local science department. I did firearms, mostly pistol barrels but also rifle barrels, pistol slides, gas blocks, and baffles. Currently I and doing airplane engine bits! Very fun, very regulated lol
Diagnosis: early/mid 20s (family upbringing prevented earlier testing) years treated ~4
Edit: diagnosis (when originally diagnosed) was ADHD, prognosis Autism, general anxiety disorder, depression.
Medications: adderall quick release- ineffective, delayed release - ineffective, Methylphenidate -effective/but short lived, Vyvanse - effective and current used solution (barring shortage)
Eased ailments: Focus and executive function improvements. Jitters and constant motion reduced. Internal thought processes now under control. Need for constant interaction as a form of stimulation (chatter box) reduced. Job performance and quality improved. General memory improved.
Gained ailments: Hunger repressed. Slight weight management issues. Thirst increased. Caffeine now causes jitters, increased heart rate and anxiety. Medication fatigue (energy crashes, ups and downs if I forget to take medication). Sleep issues (insomnia) if medication taken too late in day.
I am currently on vyvanse myself, originally 40mg down to 20mg (at my request, was lasting too long affecting sleep). Something I’ve noticed about it in particular is making sure to eat and avoiding caffeine. I get the jitters and heart racing if I don’t eat enough, vyvanse also decreases my appetite a bunch and makes me thirsty (I suggest water as the drink of choice).
This is only anecdotal experience, I also talked to my doc about it and it is being monitored. so as others also suggested, talk to your doc about it too, it’s more important and cheaper long term to get it correct and handled now than not.
I can offer some suggestions based on anecdotal experience: First: find something that shares a foundation with a hobby or interest but is not that hobby or interest in itself. I.E. you like doing auto work for a hobby, do not go into automotive but look for things mechanically inclined instead. You need to protect the hobbies from the burnout/job.
2: Realistically, think about how social you are or are capable of and find something in that industry that is close enough to that level of socializing.
Tertiary: Burnout is more often a matter of when and not if. Having to put in excess time and labor or struggling outside of work because of it really adds to burnout mentally. So find a job that either compensates you enough or live a lifestyle that allows you to be comfortable with whatever compensation you’re getting. Don’t get me wrong, its easy to say “just make more money” but a lot harder to do so which is why lifestyle is extremely important too.
So to put it all together, I would say find something you’re fundamentally interested in, that is not your hobby, find something that is adequate to your social capabilities, and make sure to take you time, and not be committed to that one place. The feeling of being stuck, or like it’s a necessity, adds to the feeling that it’s a must and that stress adds to burnout.
For me, I chose CNC Machining because I’m mechanically inclined and I’m not the most social. The pay is decent enough to get by on since I live fairly frugally too. Edit: Except when it comes to bugles. I need a lot of that shit. Lmao
Speaking in terms of the USA, the constitution was built with the intended reasonable pursuit of escalating properly-to violence If need be. Peaceful protests, voting, freedom of speech, etc. are all avenues of reprimand towards an over reaching or overbearing government. Violence was seen as acceptable and even necessary in some cases but was never intended as a first resort.
This is why right to bear arms exists along with all the other approaches. Now it’s a matter or decision by the people of what methods have been exhausted, which are futile, and what is next.
Revolting, fighting, and force in the name of freedom from a truly oppressive government is a necessary sacrifice for any people who wish to live with the freedoms that brings regardless of nationality, location, or beliefs.
Clarifications: This is not against any government for any disagreement, just truly oppressive ones that strip human rights from the people.
Violence should never be a first resort, but has it’s place among negotiations.
Personal opinion: These means should not be used for ones own benefit, you are upset because of the ways of life for all the people, the rights of your people, there is a fair likelihood this method will result in a world you will never see or benefit significantly from, its for others; those that follow. How else would I be able to sit here and eat bugles if someone didn’t strive for a world good enough for me to do so?
IIRC inflation is the devaluation of the dollar and the laymen “inflation” people commonly talk about is the CPI, which is the actual price of goods and services (I.E. this is what you are actually paying, rather than how much power the dollar has overall). I could be wrong but it is an important distinction because it tells us exactly how F*ed we’re getting by companies and corporations.
TL;DR: Bugles cost way to friggin much now >:(
As an American I never understood the “you have to wait longer in Canada” argument. My sibling almost cut off a few of their fingers and was bleeding profusely and had to wait with a rag around their fingers for almost 4 hours in the ER before they got seen. This is in the US. I’ve had past partners waiting in large amounts of pain for upwards of 10 hours in the ER too (thankfully I brought some bugles to snack on). It’s a problem in general, I’d rather it at least be free
I got absolutely consumed by Dead cells. I put more hours into it in a few months than I did a game I’ve been playing with a friend for 5 years at the time. There’s another game in the same Genre that I can’t rember the name of, but the high skill, PVE games like those if they catch my eye, oof, I go HARD.