• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


You might check the dbzer0 instance and if it’s not there, you could create it there. It’s pretty sailor friendly.

Not the ones that want you to engage over a period of time. A lot of scams, especially for old people, involve long back and forth conversations over days. These are usually very profitable for the scammers, who sort of gain a passive income for doing nothing other than stealing from old people.

Of all of the alt-right pundits, Steven Crowder - the one pictured here, is the one most likely to call somebody a normie.

Ironic meme template choice

Well the all parameter had it convert all the ones big enough, I ended up with 3 then just paired it down to the one I cared about.

Oh, I did in my comment. It was just:

makemkvcon mkv iso:my_file_name.iso all outputDirectory

Note: outputDirectory must exist, it could even just be ./

makemkv will then scan the iso for its chapters, filter out the small ones, convert the large ones to mkv files and output them in your directory you provided. Then I just looked for the biggest one and deleted the smaller ones, the big one ended up being almost the same size as the ISO and was indeed the movie output I was looking for.

Turns out makemkv is on AUR so I was able to yay -S makemkv and one of the options was the CLI! After this I was able to run makemkvcon mkv iso:<file> all <dir> and it seems to be working! Thank you so much for your help

Does MakeMKV have a command line tool for Linux? I’m trying to do this all through ssh

I’ve tried HandBrakeCLI and for some reason it detects all tracks as 5 seconds and outputs a 2.4mb file from a 29gb ISO. Does this mean they’re encrypted?

I’ve tried HandBrakeCLI and for some reason it detects all tracks as 5 seconds and outputs a 2.4mb file from a 29gb ISO

I’ve tried HandBrake and for some reason it detects all tracks as 5 seconds and outputs a 2.4mb file from a 29gb ISO

I’m doing this through a terminal, no GUI tools

It seems pretty nice so far. I was in a few private trackers for movies and TV and they were fine but I stopped using them when my VPN apparently failed me and I got called out by my ISP, so I’m really digging not having to worry about seeding. Also, some private trackers have a weird amount of drama and it’s kind of off-putting.

I still use MAM though, it’s by far the best tracker around and I love the community and books it provides.

Any, part of the improvements I’m seeing I think is just because I’m finally using radarr and sonarr, I think you can technically use these with torrents too, so this quality of life improvement could probably have been achieved without Usenet. But not having to worry about seeding is very nice.

Radarr seems to love finding blu-ray quality movies as ISOs

What to do with ISOs?
I just got into usenet and some of the files downloaded are ISOs. I’m trying to figure out the best way to convert them to mp4s so that I can play them through plex. I’m running on a headless arch server (Manjaro), and I’d prefer to keep the conversion there if possible. Anyone have experience with this?

Thank you so much for this. This lead me to usenet-docker and now I’m on my way to downloading the entire internet.

How do I get started with usenet? I did a quick search in the megathread and didn’t see anything about it. I’ve heard a lot of very positive stuff about usenet, but just trying to figure out about how much it costs all in and everything.

I’ve heard of systems being developed to quickly cool the water in a hurricane zone by releasing it from underneath as it crosses over. These zones would be built and filled long before a hurricane crossed them, then set off like traps.

This looks cool, but I think I’m missing how this installs in a docker container. I feel stupid for being confused by this 🤔

This actually looks basically exactly like what I want, but only runs on arch. I do have an arch server but it’s not my normal tor server. Is there a debian version of this? If not it’s cool, I might put it on my arch server, it’d just be easier to keep it on my existing tor server.

All-in-one docker solution for a seed box?
Are there any good docker containers that have an openvpn + qbittorrent configuration setup in such a way that the torrents won't run if the vpn isn't running?

Yes, MyAnonymouse is a private tracker for books and audiobooks. It’s probably one of the best private trackers for these things, though there might be a better one specifically for game-related books, I’m not sure.

MAM has occasional public applications, but you will be expected to share what you take.

Wild, MAM usually has most things but as far as this game is concerned it only has A Beacon of Hope. It must actually be pretty obscure to not exist fully there.

If you liked Apollo, try wefwef.app

It’s a PWA but works extraordinarily well