You “disagreeing” (more like maintaining cognitive dissonance, and clearly not reading the links, especially the last one) doesn’t make it any less ableism. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
E: also - ableism isn’t some thought experiment for you to “test out” your debating skills on, it’s an actual form of oppression that affects billions globally, and it feeds on deep rooted smug and dismissive attitudes like yours.
What alternative word would you use in this case, as a pejorative insult to someone’s intelligence
The point is literally to not, because doing so is ableist.
Liberals while musk and his ilk actively contribute to the deaths of millions, and passively contribute to the deaths of millions more: I sleep
Liberals when some random individual on the internet makes a meme with him in a cartoon crosshairs: real shit laser eyes
You people are a joke, and this shit is never going to end if the most radical you think people should get in literal self defence of humanity, is asking sternly or voting for the other puppet.
MLK’s words as relevant as always:
I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.
Don’t be that moderate, and it’s not like anyone is asking you to pick up a gun, so for the sake of the rest of us: sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
I quote that letter regularly, sadly those who need to hear it never do and always try to bring it back to the whitewashed MLK and “non-violence”.
Here are a few articles I linked to someone recently who did that, that others might find interesting:
This reminded me of some recruitment ads here in the UK that ask “what will the army of the future look like” and they show this dystopian hellscape where a whole village is burnt to the ground and this humanoid robot runs through the wreck and then a drone flies by and then they show the operators and say “it looks like you”.
Like “come operate our murder robots for us! You can’t have flashbacks of people dying if you’re not there in person to see it!”
My first thought:
As a person dependant on benefits it doesn’t get much better - 10k would be enough to put me over the threshold and stop me getting those benefits, but wouldn’t be enough to live on for longer than a few months, at which point I would have to apply for benefits again (a distressing and traumatising process that can take a year or two easily, during which time you don’t get paid).
And even if I got several times that amount, enough to put down a 15-25% deposit for a mortgage - no one will give me one because I’m on benefits. Never mind that what I already pay in rent is higher than any mortgage repayment would be, or that my income is more stable and secure than most (people lose jobs all the time, I’m guaranteed my income for life, unless, of course, I dare save some money for my future. Or, as they may, change the rules, but that’s no bigger risk than getting fired).
And this isn’t to turn my nose up at that kind of money, it is a lot and could make a huge difference to many (paying bills, buying food, covering debts), but even in those cases, it’s highly unlikely to provide a long term solution simply because it doesn’t address the core of the problem, it’s just a band-aid.
To say the system is rigged feels like an understatement, the more you dig, the worse and more intentional the keeping-the-poor-poor gets.
For the sake of anyone who might fall for the fallacy this Nazi lover (aka: a Nazi) is spewing:
Seriously threatening violence against entire groups of people because of a trait/s they were born with and/or have no control over, while being backed by a whole system that supports you and your misguided ideas of supremacy, and disguising it as “just a joke bro”, does not equal nor is comparable in any way to defending yourself against people who have adopted that murderous opinion.
lmfao, I can’t even imagine the mental gymnastics you have to do to separate the two…
jeez, you people are wilfully ignorant:
Will this work?
(E: made the link plain so it’s less sus lol)
my quality of life is like 10x better than my grandparents’
yeah, fuck all those workers, many children, slaving away for pennies, often dying, in mines and factories and dumpsters to provide me with that life. Not to mention the planet itself that we all live on that is literally being destroyed for the benefit of a handful of people.
I’d argue that’s mostly attributable to liberalised free markets.
because you’re comfortable enough to ignore reality as long as that keeps that comfy-comfy status quo of yours in place.
Congratulations, you are being part of the problem.
You just triggered the biggest nostalgia flashback
E: That image is what I saw in my mind and felt in my hand (though I would play with mine in the bath), but some context for the younger folk who might not have had these 😂
E again: omfg I just read that back and realised how it sounds but it’s too fucking funny, so I’m leaving it. 🤣🤣🤣)
The real toad rule
You are describing textbook systemic ableism, and the sad reality is that calling it out and trying to act against it shouldn’t be, but is radical in a world where marginalising people for being different is the acceptable norm (for those in power it keeps us from disrupting their systems because we don’t fit their moulds and/or they might have to make extra considerations for us, which might cost them a few pennies, so that’s a no. And for the rest of the population - it gives them someone to be superior to. After all that’s all bigotry is - making one group feel superior to another to rationalise abuse and discrimination, using systems created by those who benefit the most from said abuse and discrimination either directly in stolen labour and resources or indirectly by sowing and maintaining division in the population to stop us from uniting against our oppressors).
I think this is a good starting place to learning about systemic ableism and the models of disability, which will help in understanding and breaking down these barriers and obstacles we face.