Cyrus Draegur

Atomic energy enthusiast. Architecture enjoyer. Mecha appreciator. Sci-Fi reader. Friendly neighborhood shameless degenerate. Winged caniform synthetic biped techno-lich. Mostly Harmless™. Poly-Panro-Demi It/They/He

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


i’ve been here at my job for almost six years and the only way to defeat my imposter syndrome was to recognize that all my job really asks of me is to

  1. be here (i am here ✅)
  2. have a pulse (just checked, have a pulse ✅)
  3. answer phone when it rings (when it rang, i answered it ✅)

all the stuff i know about my industry stopped seeming like it was worth a damn once i knew it
after all - i’m worthless so anything i know is worthless too right? 🙃

they literally called me in to work overtime tonight,
who the fuck am i to challenge their judgment?
how fucking dare i even dream of possessing the hubris to question their willingness to pay me?

it’s basically a form of radical acceptance.

(thank you for engaging my attempt at humor with patience, grace, and charitability 💜 I actually don’t have anything against starfield either, i just saw an opportunity to wisecrack and took it)

I heard that Starfield was low sodium by default.

'cause it’s BLAND


teaching other people is one of the best ways to learn

The methylphenidate was helping, but since my psychiatrist retired I’m still on the waiting list for a new one who can actually prescribe and i’ve run out ;_;

“i’m sorry, my thoughts were too loud for me to hear you over them…”

Mayonnaise is lubricant for sandwiches.

You’ll Pay To Know What You Really Think!
–Dobbs 1956

Bro the Venn diagram of trans, anime, furry, and I.T. is practically a FLAT CIRCLE XD

This is how printers get introduced to VERY FAST crowbars.

Get a laserjet.

Whenever these plastic fucking pieces of shit misbehave, I get interested in thermal depolymerization again. I’d like to start removing microplastics from our environment, slow as it takes. I need to build an electric kiln and some way to keep the decomposition chamber inside oxygen-free…

I like it too honestly. It reminds me of stories about how Usenet used to be before the Eternal September.

i’d rather give them a place to hang out: at the end of a noose.

... but it's not like he's not in a rush.

It’s not money. It’s credit cards. I’m going in to debt for rolly-grill food? You bet your ASS I am.






Du hast eine Schreibblockade? Schreibe doch über deine Schreibblockade!

I kinda agree with you op on ghosting being unacceptable, but NOBODY is entitled to see my face NO ONE. It is not ghosting to straight up tell someone “I am no longer interested in continuing to stay in contact with you.”

Likewise, my old person trait is the belief that your identity and all details pertaining to it are PERSONAL including voice, likeness, biometric statistics, location, interests - basically, the default human presence online is TEXT ONLY AND NO DESCRIPTION OF ANYTHING CONCRETE until and unless they choose to intentionally disclose more, and nobody, not one mother FUCKING person OR THING has the right to demand of you any more than that. Lastly, that you should guard your information greedily and viciously.

That’s true! AND mastodon also has that exact same problem because there’s a metal band named mastodon! It’s like, how do people fuck up twice in the exact same way in the exact same context (social media services) - are they fucking TRYING to fail?

Lemmy: yes

Mastodon: ONLY IF IT CHANGES ITS SHITTY, CLUMSY, UGLY, UNINTUITIVE NAME to something with more of the following features:

  1. Two syllables with the accent on the first (trochee)
  2. Bright, sharp consonant and sibilant phonemes that pop (instead of dull, wooden, sonorous ones that flop)
  3. Has a v or r sound in it to make it sound powerful
  4. Bouncy and fun to say, therefore memorable

For example, it might catch on with a name like “Trunky” - I’m sure people who are more creative than me might come up with even better names.

don’t worry, cheese; you’ll be purely nothing but carbon soon…

Hi, may I please repost this as a reply within this comment section but with slightly different formatting for the sake of readability?

A friend of mine once dared me to order pineapple and garlic. Yeah. I know. I’m sorry. I fell in love with it. I don’t try to force this curse upon anyone else. I order it when I know I’ll be pizza’ing alone…