• 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Thanks :) I should have done it sooner. It was a touch exhausting managing a dozen conversations at once. Have you seen my cute downvote collection? haha

You would have to make a new account. Not sure how i feel about not having account migration. It’s got its good and bad points. Sad to make a second account though.

Their bots are posting anti-threaxit content as we speak.

I keep forgetting that most people don’t get the censored info about how evil facebook/meta is. Its a huge list of items. I’m considering compiling it.

I made the mistake of not just updating my post when I reply to people. My responses are scattered through the post. I encourage you to ctrl-f.

I was getting sidetracked, but thanks to your encouragement I updated the main post.

I really wanted to reply to you but deleted half way in, sorry burning out

I just want basic respect and for you to be literate. Go view lunars answer to see my central point. I’ve answered everything else you have said in other posts here. I’m not going to feed trolls any more.

Your reply is a perfect example of how threads actions are causing toxicity in lemmy.world.

edit: Id just like to point out that at no point does he respond about meta being evil and unworthy to associate with, which is the important part he should be talking about.

The horse is known to bolt, it also killed a child last week, also the neighbor said he’d shoot me if i let it out again and he means it. But don’t worry, the horse that escaped a dozen times should be given another chance.

Have a read in that link and you can see some conversation about it. Meta is a known evil, waiting for more proof is unneeded when you can just look into their history. There are links in that link. It’s just a cover to slide +1 step towards allowing meta to control what we talk about.

fosstodon has the same stance as lemmy.world. I don’t know if they have a lemmy.

This was part of my plan all along! To raise awareness about what is happening so that others can do the right thing, or at least start thinking about it in a new way. I didn’t see many others talking about the narrative hijack stuff, so i took a bullet and gave it a go.

I think we all have different skills in this and need to find our easiest ways to personally do something. It’s a part of being in a community after all :). They want to control what we think about and talk about, so we can start by talking about what we aren’t meant to say, and my downvotes paint a clear picture lol. I even had a post mentioning facebook helping enable genocide removed by a mod.

We should make a big deal about the evils of Meta, especially how they control views to help promote genocide and how they are destroying our loved ones minds. @[email protected] Said it perfectly. We need to spread that kind of sentiment until we have a better idea of what to do next. We can force them to not federate.

Thank you so much for being the first to properly understand the threat I was trying to express. You said it so much better than I could at the time.

I think the reason we are debating is because there are already bots and bad actors working hard to change and forge opinion. I think this style of fediverse just died, but we are close to easily making a new better one.

Yeah, its sad. one more place dead, but most wont know until they have lived through it a few times. I was hoping we would find our feet here before we get too many people watering it down. Guess that’s a very dead dream. There is some hope though. The people that made reddit what it was to start with were people like us. When we go we create new great places, and where the average person goes(if they can do more than just read and learn our ways) they will destroy it. Reddit became about cats and trump as soon as the masses showed up. Now we get to see that again here.

I’m just replacing the ok part of my deleted comment, but nothing more than the part about facebook supporting genocide. Facebook/meta encourages genocide by allowing posts to stay active and other things. That’s a big part of why anti meta guys are so serious.

We know the history of Meta. We ignore the history to wait and see.

Yeah, I think the lack of announcement was why i made this post ultimately. I felt betrayed if they kept their views censored. I’m here because everywhere with close to uncensored(in regards to the evils in the world) speech gets compromised and I let me hopes get the better of me. I just wanna hear new ideas and talk with interesting people. I’d rather not have more standard corporate approved memes and repost bots etc. I don’t want to be in a meta tainted area.

We don’t have to wait and see? Meta has a proven history.

His write up doesn’t cover the issue my post is about, but it does cover a fair bit. I also worry about fracturing the community but see it differently. If everyone rejected meta or if everyone embraced meta, we would be an unfractured community. Unfortunately we aren’t fully one way or the other. The best part though is that we can split into different instances. My biggest issue is that to my knowledge, on lemmy.world there were no announcements stating intent, and to people like me that means pro-corporate and I need to leave. If they just announced I would have just slowly left without much fuss.

i do realise lemmy isn’t effected that badly compared to mastodon, but the basics still stand.

I didn’t think about this from a community owner pov. It would be pretty rough on them.

Meta is known to promote bad things. There is already enough evidence and a top level corporation should be seen as representative of all their holdings. Meta facilitates genocide… i should get some articles but I’m done for a while.

also, “wait and see” feels like a judge that has alzheimers and can’t see the persons criminal record.

I really wanted to reply to you but deleted half way in, sorry burning out. most people aren’t responding to what I’m actually saying, but just making massive assumptions half the time. For example I’m not talking about the API, EEE or privacy at all in the slightest.

Us and we can be used strangely by some, you might be reading into it a bit too much, but i also coulda phrased better. we/us as in the refugees of corporate bs from reddit.

Never said a thing about APIs… you shouldn’t make such grand sweeping statements.

As for the average person here, plenty of statistics say that corporate reddit shenanigans and the influx of users happened at the same time, this is simple fact. They got booted off, or chose to come here because of the corporate side of reddit. This is about as simple as simple can be Aldursil. Are you a bot? or just… ya know

it’s good to be cautiously optimistic

I vaguely remember a quote about nazis at a table.

edit: i’m implying that this instance is complicit, nothing about you personally.

Also, i totally agree with upgrading lemmy itself.

They will extinguish us by watering down our uniqueness and incorporate us into them regardless of if we are in a separate unique server like lemmy.world. In the end this instance will become intellectually homogenised with meta while foaming at the mouth with standard twitter/reddit/facebook level hate and outrage over dumb stuff.

I’ve edited the post to show the 4 day old toot I was referencing. We already know they will federate and we already know meta and generic big multinational corps are evil. We have all the evidence we need.

You were abusive with what you said, and just because you were too lazy to fact check doesn’t mean I’m lying or the fact it isn’t known

I knew it existed but was an idiot for not having that in the original post >_>

Privacy is fully violated regardless of what happens here, but I can understand people worrying about it. You will find that threads still leaks in and dominates us, remember they are a very large group compared to us. We will lose our soul in this exchange, although I agree that neither of us know how bad it is. Unfortunately I’ve been watching service after service get compromised so this isn’t new to me. I think they should all preemptively defederate with threads except for oddball servers which can if they want to, I think after we know how bad it is we should defederate with instances federated with threads.

you are replying to the wrong thread, try reading my post. See how I don’t care about your arguments(I care about your comments, just not the arguments themselves) and only care they they will control the narrative.

You do realise the average person here now is from exiting reddit because they did bog standard corporate things? If they aren’t aware they dislike the corporate part of reddit and like the lemmy part then… well…

  1. itl be forced onto us by being federated, and if some block, the others that dont will be controlled by those posts and indirectly influence the rest of us.

we are small group of people which will not consume meta ads/style

  1. The quote is what i mean, we wont want them so why do we want them?

  2. lemmy.world has been silent to us inside lemmy, and their mastodon instance said they are federating and will “see” if they should based on how meta behaves. As others have said, its like letting an arsonist into your house unsupervised hoping it wont happen again.

edit: because i get doubles of the same comment from two accounts I’ll answer in here.

The threads algorithm will maximise likes on things they wish maximised and minimise attention on things they want ignored etc. What threads likes most will spread most, through their app and through peoples actions, then that spread will reach federated and then indirectly federated sources. The important part is they dwarf our community size and tend to be very homogenised so for gain that i cant see, we lose our soul as a community. We may as well just delete here and make threads accounts. I’m here because the people are more unique and interesting, not as a generic chat room or social media account. Once we become what most of us don’t want, then why bother?

The fact that you ask that is exactly what i mean.

edit: The deafening silence is what i was referring to here, my post has an update about what i mean further. I should have fully explained at the time but was going into “answer everyone” overload and cheaped out.

How long does it take to make an announcement for the most important and simple decision one can make? The thing is, they announced quietly that they are allowing federation with threads. Interacting with threads goes against the spirit of us leaving the corporate cesspool of reddit and doesn’t even need a discussion.

lemmy.world has bent the knee to corporations. Consolidated comments into body.
I don't think this is EEE, I think this is a chance for meta to dominate the narrative by drowning us out with algorithmically curated censorship, distractions, hatred, outrage etc. I would join threads if I want threads, I would be on Reddit if I want corporate influence. [The mastodon post for the same server admins admitting to allow Meta](https://mastodon.world/@mwadmin/110654590632768079) thanks @BrikoX and @Melco [This is the post regarding an admin of fosstodon being offered a secret meeting under a non disclosure agreement](https://fosstodon.org/@kev/110592625692688836) [Thanks lunar for articulating my central point better than I could.](https://lemmy.world/comment/975886) -------- Most of my primary content was within the comment section scattered so I'll try to put it up here and edit more as i go. I was worried I'd butcher things so I avoided updating my post. Ignore the mess -- EEE - I don't want to talk specifically about this. Many others are, and you can talk with them about it. -- Privacy - My views on privacy is that lemmy is already fully public and facebook merging into it probably wont reduce your lemmy privacy in any meaningful way. Ignoring lemmy, your privacy is already fully breached in ways I'm not going to explain here. -- People keep making blind claims that facebook/meta can't use their algorithms to interact with us, so i will explain. For the record I know most of this effects mastodon directly, and not so much lemmy. Threads will be able to control what gets minimised and maximised based on whatever secret algorithms they use. These end results are known to people that want to know, it's how our parents and grandparents, became increasingly detached from reality. If facebook/meta wants to censor their users, they will, if they want to promote hate against LGBTQs then they will. Those users will then interact with our users, slowly shifting our conversations and the overall culture of lemmy into the same cesspool that is facebook. Secondly, the content of threads will be selected by a relatively massive userbase which will drown out our content if we stay federated. Of course that content will be optimised by their algorithm, thus influencing fediverse content. -- Now onto the principle matter. FACEBOOK IS EVIL, like genocidal evil, a propaganda arm of the empire evil. They have a heavily proven track record. "Wait and see"? There is no need to ignore facebook/metas criminal record. The admins here should have clearly stated their intent but have been deafeningly silent. People are asking for clarification or in my case, acting because of a clear lack of action. Other posts are talking about this and I will assume you have been reading them. -- [pjhenry](https://lemmy.world/u/[email protected]) is a troll that ignores what people actually say, he focuses on his intentional misunderstandings and straw-men, just stop feeding the troll guys, he only wants to fight over nothing. He only acts in bad faith.

They wont. You need to swap instances now that lemmy.world bent the knee to meta.


Threads is going to break into our federation and then ruin any conversations and topics we can talk about with just sheer volume of users. Lemmy is nice because we don’t have meta or reddits algorithms optimising for propaganda, censorship and outrage. Its nice to talk about corporate corruption or random things instead of pointless garbage that gets spammed on tv. I want organic content. Anything corporations touch turns to shit, this instance is dead unless it preemptively defederates.


You know they are desperate for patches when their version is BE: 0.18.1-rc.9-14-ge71951309

MORE COMMENTS THAN UPVOTES??!!?! 13 upvotes and 17+1 comments

edit: guess i should actually answer. I never used it, but i was curious when i got to see it in a default chat program that was bundled with ubuntu or something. I used to love the idea of proper peer to peer encrypted chat but everyone else was just so hard to get onto the same platforms and before i knew it everyone defaulted to weird things like sms, steam chat and facebook.

We should prepare for war. What are some nice ways to make them go “absolutely not” when they get to federate? How about we research and spread info about any advertisers that are on threads to force boycotts? Maybe we can research more ethical alternatives to those ads.

It’s about a foreign country of similar power levels having the ability to shape your people’s political opinions.

I think it’s more about the US empire losing its ability to control some people.

Communists are exactly as conservatives call you? We need to raise awareness that language is being distorted and not just go with it.

I’m an anarchist(which used to be called libertarians) and hate to see ancaps assosciated with anarchists. State actors co-opted a subset of the movement(and the entire libertarian movement) and you didn’t mention that. Imagine i just talked about socialism while referencing nazis over and over… because that’s how you sounded to me.

Nah, libertarians are just a fascist co-option of an old anarchist movement which distorted into pure capitalist totalitarianism. Exactly the same as ancaps.

Pretty much any legit group that’s against capitalism will be distorted to be pro-capitalism and a few suckers will participate.