• 4 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 15, 2023


It’s kind of a huge deal if the mods of a community are working to promote disinformation that harms cats and censoring any dissenting opinion about it. I’d rather cats not be malnourished bc of a bunch of pissy vegans who want to force their ideology onto an animal that can’t handle it

They are literally spreading disinformation. Vegan cat food isn’t good for cats. They are abusing their cats if they feed them that. Tf is your point?

Nobody should have a space where they get to spread disinformation that harms pets

You really have no idea what any of the fallacies you throw out there really are do you xD

Then feed them a proper diet. If you love animals, treat them well and don’t fight for your right to spread disinformation that harms them

Idk if I could relax to it, but it helps me focus on certain tasks, like making a magic the gathering deck or painting something. It doesn’t seem to help at all when I’m doing stuff on a computer though, just when I’m doing stuff with my hands

There’s nothing wrong with just having those kinds of preferences, or with saying you have them in the right context, which this is. Op didn’t do that though. He would totally date a trans guy, he just says he’d hate it and would try to make his bf feel dysphoric. Having a problem with that doesn’t mean I’m a Karen or have a chip on my shoulder or any of that shit, I just like when people show basic fucking respect towards trans people and this “ally” doesn’t seem to have any. He cares more about having trans friends and saying he’s an ally than about listening to trans people and actually being one. He’s prob a chaser tbh

I’m on mobile and busy rn so I can’t do that, I’ll just copy and paste my comment here and come back later

Good question, why don’t you try answering it rather than continuing to shit on the people you call yourself an ally to? If the answer is “I wouldn’t date a non-op trans man” then just fucking say that instead of insinuating that you would date them and treat them like shit

And I hope you deal with your internalized transphobia. We need to stick together, not gang up on eachother to look good for The Cis™. Stop defending blatantly transphobic bullshit (or pretending it doesn’t even exist in your case)

“you don’t understand it’s just a joke bro” FUCK OFFFFFFFFFF

Person who made the reported comment said that in response to being asked if he’d date a trans guy, in a thread asking what straight guys are attracted to. Could have just been badly worded, but considering op’s reaction to being called out, the other transphobes in the thread, and op agreeing with them, I’m gonna say no

Here’s a pic of one of the worse fuckers in those comments, I would’ve linked more in the post but idk how to link more than one. Op agreed with this take and said 6 out of 7 of his trans women friends were just unreasonably mad about their problems

Pick me !!! Pick me!!! Hey I’m one of the good transes pick me!!!

If you didn’t see the shit in that comments you weren’t looking hard enough. Op openly admitting their abusive tendencies and lots of people saying that’s OK, that trying to make a trans partner feel dysphoric is just a"preference ". Fuck off with your internalized transphobia, assuming you even are trans and not just some 14 yo 4chan edgelord who wants to own the transes or whatever

Edit I'm just gonna delete this soon. I posted it and made most of my comments while angry and looking for blood. yea a lot of cringe stuff got said on that post but I don't think my post is contributing anything to the sub other than anger, and possibly driving people away. Sorry to the people I snapped at, I hope yall have a good night🐕 The comments are full of people saying transphobic shit and op doubling down on his "making your trans partner feel dysphoric is fine" shit. He'll that pic was a re-upload from one of the mods here. What the fuck!!!! This is fucking 196 why are we out here defending blatant transphobia? People are in there calling trans people karens with a persecution complex, there's tons of defense of treating trans men like shit, "allies" telling trans people they're overreacting, all kinds of inexcusable shit. If this is how lemmy 196 is gonna be I hope this place crashes and burns

Good question, why don’t you try answering it rather than continuing to shit on the people you call yourself an ally to? If the answer is “I wouldn’t date a non-op trans man” then just fucking say that instead of insinuating that you would date them and treat them like shit

Anyone who would go out of their way to make their partner feel dysphoric needs to fuck off and stop claiming to be an ally

“I hate to say it, but of the 7 trans women I’ve known, 6 have been like this. Everyone is the enemy, giant chip on the shoulder.” You in response to some saying trans people are the karens of lgbtq+

You’re a shit excuse for an ally and need to fuck off. Imagine being told your take is shit and transphobic and putting this much energy into denying it rather than learning from it

And yet you’d try it anyway, and be a transphobic asshole about it. Fuck off, you’re a shit ally and you’re not welcome here

“I’m a great ally, but you transes are just overreacting to this transphobic asshole!” fuck off