because the drain has just started maybe?
oooor, imagine this: they are just nice and yet create nothin new?
when was the last good music recommendation you found on myspace? maybe there are still good music things on but nobody gives a fuck and those still using myspace,fb or r/selfhostes are just pathetic and keep riding a dead horse.
well for starters you could just go,search some shit, fire up hexchat, obey channel rules (e.g you have to register your username) and xdcc request the file. next up you might want to do you own irc bot maybe selfhosted on a Pi or as a service and teach that bot what to get you on a regular basis like tv shows. then never use ever again and run your searches through said bot. maybe get lost in the whole topic and have a telegram bot run on the irc bot Pi to update you on latest downloads and so on… you can have an irc client on your phone and then tell your bot what to request and download.
piracy is a latter.
at the bottom there is the person getting a pirated ware physically from someone who copied it.
then steps later there is rapidshare or whatever filehosters still exist.
more steps up are public torrents and trackers.
then there is forums that use a variety of sharing technologies like (private) torrent or hosters.
nzb is next.
then there is irc - which at best is linked to some of the outer ring ftp servers.
ftp servers run by currygroups is next. and they leech from
the core of scene ftp servers.
sure i missed exotic outlets of the piracy latter like ondemandpiracystreaming, ssd-by-snailmail and so on… we all agree vpn is key. i think irc always has worked better than torrent ever and being easier to access thab nzbs.
wenn nur zu 10% wie r/de wird (deutscherpseudohumor, militante mods wie hubi/silli, bannen bannen & deföderieren, regelwerke bis zur dinNorm), dann gehe ich fest davon aus das hier gar nichts lustig bleibt. die qualität der deutschen subs war am schlechtesten, bevor die leute abgewandert sind wegen der deutschen User.
vorallen ist das ein sich wieserholdendes thema. der designer costolani hat denen damals nen schnellzug gestaltet…war der bahn aber zu fancy und man hat sich sebat den ICE gestaltet. ein zug so unaerodynamisch, dass er in tunneln bei gegenverkehr sehr stark abbremsen muss. die franzosen hingegen haben ihr gehirn benutzt und das design von costolani ist heute der tgv. die deutsche bahn gehört abgeschafft.