Kobolds with a keyboard.
That’s not what they said, though…? They were asked if they would date a trans guy, and they answered the question presumably honestly (that they would if they were pre-op), but then went on to say that they don’t like penises and do like breasts, and that that would likely make a trans guy uncomfortable.
It certainly wasn’t a good way for them to say it, but I just found it ironic that OP seems to be doing exactly what that post is claiming (some) trans people do.
While I don’t agree with the statement as a whole, I do understand the general sentiment that they were trying to get across - it does feel sometimes like discussing trans issues is like walking on eggshells, where anything you say that isn’t directly in agreement with their point of view is taken as a personal attack. (This is what I meant that it feels like OP is doing here.)
Can you explain what you find offensive about the comment reported screenshot you linked above? How is someone supposed to express that they would not want to date a trans guy? Or are you saying that the fact that they wouldn’t date a trans guy is the problem?
To be perfectly honest, you kind of seem to be exemplifying exactly what the person in the screenshot you linked here is saying - that you’re attacking someone for expressing a personal preference, and that you’re labeling this person for criticizing that behavior. I’m trying to understand your PoV.
It’s a weird concept and it’s possible that I’m using it incorrectly, too - but the context at least is correct. :)
Edit: I think I am using it incorrectly, actually, as in reality the difference is infinitesimally small. But the general idea I was trying to get across is that there is no real number between 0.999… and 1. :)
one specific programming language
I think you’d be hard pressed to find someone with any sort of programming background, even just as a hobbyist, who doesn’t understand that for loop notation, whether or not they know the specific language it’s from. (I couldn’t even tell you what specific language that’s from, because that notation matches so many different ones.)
I have a 15 year old son; he definitely has not seen summation in math classes yet, but he has far more than enough programming experience (even just from school) to understand the for loop.
It’s really frustrating how much mis-information there is on the internet about pet lizards. (This doesn’t only apply to leopard geckos.) I got a bearded dragon about 6 months ago and man, I’d find directly contradictory information on the #1 and #2 hit when searching for answers for things; it kills me thinking how many people must have hurt or killed their reptiles because they just couldn’t find consistent, straight answers they needed.
Wow, read the room. Public opinion of the police is at an all-time low - it’s almost like they wanted their message to backfire.
That’s an interesting question and I wasn’t sure, but I was curious enough to go look it up.
According to this source, which I can’t verify the credibility of but which seems in line with what other sources say on the topic:
No official commission or group decides what each generation is called and when it starts and ends. Instead, different names and birth year cutoffs are proposed, and through a somewhat haphazard process a consensus slowly develops in the media and popular parlance.
Not sure what you’re seeing, but the account is not private, and she mentions her new Editor in Chief position on other social media accounts, AND she’s “verified” on Threads, so if this is someone doing a bit, they’re going to an awful lot of trouble for it.
Holy shit, this needs to be WAY more widely spread. It’s crazy that they’re just outing themselves this early.
Edit: Just want to point out that this is in fact real. Legitimately did not believe it and had to go see for myself.
Edit Edit: In the interest of not spreading misinformation for anyone who reads this and doesn’t look below: It’s a real post, but she doesn’t actually work for Meta.
If it doesn’t stop at the 33rd switch, it’s almost definitely correct to pull the lever no matter where you are in the order, if it comes to your turn. The chance that 8 billion people will all choose not to pull the lever is almost zero - That also includes children and babies who have no concept of morality, and one of them may even pull it accidentally. Over a long enough timeline, this would almost definitely happen. In fact, depending on how far apart the levers were, the trolly reaching new levers might not even outpace the rate of children being born, so it would just be an unending string of babies and levers after a certain point.
If you accept that it will eventually be pulled, then if you are in the first 32 people, you’re killing fewer people by pulling it, because eventually, all but 1 person will die otherwise. If you’re past the 32nd person, eventually everyone except 1 person will die, so it really just comes down to whether or not you want to be the last human alive. Since most people value their own life more than the life of an unknown stranger, the correct choice is to pull the lever.
I wonder what the optimal trolley track configuration would be to allow everyone to attend their lever while suffering as little disruption to their life as possible, and how much it would cost to build that, and how long it would take for the trolley to make the entire journey from start to finish…
This would probably still kill most of the species, so I’ll take it.
No, software is not capable of being immoral or wicked. It might have been created with immoral and wicked intent, but the intent of the creator does not imprint wickedness onto the creation.
Really, though, I get the point you’re trying to make. We’re just arguing semantics.