she/her - hammer/sickle - state/revolution
Migrating to
Ah I see what you’re getting at now. The point is to move the workforce from these roles to roles that are actually useful to society. As I mentioned before this is a process of development, not a magic button. It is not something that you necessarily have to do to existing workers, instead you apply it to future iterations of those roles and simply phase out the old ones.
Interesting. Hadn’t thought about the amount of posting done on hexbear. Do you know why they kinda defederated and are now re-federating?
It was caused by technical differences in goals. At the time Hexbear came over things were built in a rush because /r/chapotraphouse had just been banned and there was very limited time to rescue some of the userbase who had migrated to a discord as a lifeboat.
Lemmy at the time was early development, and was absolutely not capable of sustaining the MASSIVE amount of activity that thousands of CTH users would create.
So Hexbear forked and developed solutions to handle the high load they needed while Lemmy at the time was pursuing other priorities - federation wasn’t a thing and they had to achieve federation by a certain deadline to get some of the funding grants they were getting.
This difference in priorities led to the situation, and then Hexbear coming back took a very large amount of time because it was not trivial to migrate without massive issues. On top of that it was handled by dozens of different people throwing in help for free. Burnout and motivation play significant factors there. They will be federating with a limited list soon, I believe the intention is not to federate with anywhere that hasn’t blocked meta though which makes me unsure about whether they will federate here because of the soft stance this instance took.
with deflations in between
Worth noting that Hexbear(currently makes up 25% of all posts on lemmy) only saw a deflation in the initial weeks after launch. It then stabilised and didn’t deflate at all over the course of 3 entire years of operating, it happily ticked along with new users coming in at the same rate as user churn. If other communities establish themselves and actually foster a real community that wants to maintain the space there will be an initial deflation but then people will just stick around visiting daily.
A culture of simply permanently moving here should be something people work to establish.
Nope, if you do (after Deng for China, after Stalin for USSR, for other time periods you could be a leftist) and have extensively learned about it you probably think you’re a leftist but you’re actually a rightist.
So you think Jeremy Corbyn isn’t left? Lmao. What about Lula? Every Cuban politician?
Think about how exactly the sum of their policies align with left values more than right values.
This is you trying to re-align left vs right as culture instead of economic. It’s seriously america-brained bollocks and is not how anyone in the rest of the world views left vs right.
Tankies are leftists that defend or deny the atrocities committed by authoritarian communist regimes like the Soviet Union or the CCP. It was first used to describe communists in Great Britain that defended the Soviet Union for using tanks to crush anti-communist revolutions.
Ironically history has proven that decision to have been the correct one and even the soft-left here in Britain today acknowledges that the people who were called “tankies” originally when that happened were all completely correct.
Hakim explains:
Vijay Prashad (regularly works with Chomsky) explains:
The Deprogram explains:
In short, “tankie” is a thought-terminating phrase thrown into any conversations where people want to get others to terminate all thought coming from people to their left. It gets thrown at communists by other communists, it gets thrown at communists by anarchists, it gets thrown at all of the above by socdems, it gets thrown at all of the above by liberals, and it gets thrown at all of the above including liberals by fascists.
Its function in actual practice is that it moves discourse and spaces rightwards. Anyone using the phrase should be completely disregarded as a person that wants you to keep your brain closed.
I called you a champagne socialist for being obviously full of shit, spending your time doing anti-communism with this “tankie” bollocks instead of actually trying to make the world better in any meaningful way. Not because some workers are high earners.
All this shit does is amount to actively punching left. All punching left does is move the political dial rightwards.
With the marxist definitions. Class is determined by your relationship to the mode of production, they are extremely specific because that is literally a requirement of doing anything scientific with them. A simple explanation is here:
I personally wrote the first iteration of that page when I was a moderator there.
So you actually want more income quality than I do by the sounds of it. Yet you call my ideas far-right? You’re supposed to get rid of bullshit jobs entirely in a revolution. So that’s not even a consideration.
This is not scientific, this is utopian. Creating socialism isn’t a magic button we press, it is a process of development. You don’t have the proletariat take over control of the state and then magically press a button that makes everything bad go away and reorganise the country along perfect socialist lines. A process of building the productive forces is necessary while fitting in with the global system to avoid isolation (like cuba, dprk, etc have been). They will get eventually eliminated but not immediately.
I really don’t want you anywhere near the leadership of a revolution. I think you’ve managed to clarify for me why I dislike Marxist-Leninists. You don’t actually think about anybody outside of the poorest in society and have no grasp on real life.
Because why? Because you don’t like being called out as the middle class utopian champagne socialist from a petite-bourgeois background that you are? As the larper that pretends to be socialist while consistently taking right wing anti-worker talking points? You’ve defended LOANS over providing free education for fuck’s sake. What exactly has been said here that makes you want me nowhere near anything? The fact that I oppose student loans, oppose poverty and oppose shit poverty wages that you’ve defended as being fine because “unskilled labour” ? Such horrific positions! Christ.
Everything you’re saying in argument with me is basically a tory talking point, which is entirely unsurprising for someone whose parents are landlord parasites. They’d be swimming to france post-revolution and saying the same shit about the new socialist briatin that the gusanos in florida currently say about Cuba.
amazing thing called student loans
It used to be 100% free. When the country had less money than it does today. Oh and the railways we publicly owned. And the post office. And significantly more of the NHS. And the gas and water. And the rest. All at the same time. With less money.
I would not call it “amazing”. And you’re completely delusional if you think that the existence of student loans makes university accessible. Many people can not afford living expenses to make it work without familial support, which I’m glad you had but it’s not what many people have. It’s privileged.
I don’t know what you have to do to be classed as middle class because it’s not an easier defined term. It’s also not a term really used by marxism. They use the term petite bourgeois if my understanding is correct. I guess you could call my parents that as they were landlords. But at the same time they had to work full time at a normal job and all houses were mortgaged. So you could also say they are the proletariat. This is why the marixst class model dosen’t actually hold up always in real life. Real life is too complex as people can be in multiple classes at once.
Lol landlords are petite-bourgeoisie, not proles. The petite-bourgeoisie are in between workers and the bourgeoisie in that they both exploit and do some work because they are not yet exploiting enough to completely cease function as a worker. They’re also the biggest parasites on the planet.
It’s also completely natural for some people to be paid more than others based on their labour. The Soviet Union had this exact policy for jobs that required more education or more physical work. That’s exactly how it should be outside of a post- scarcity society.
I don’t know where you’ve got the impression that I think everyone should be paid equally. In my personal opinion wages should be based on how necessary to society they are. Essential workers would be paid vastly more while the vast quantity of bullshit jobs(read theory) would be paid the bullshit rates they deserve.
It’s good that rent was that low in the Soviet Union but you also have more needs than housing. Food comes to mind where many people starved due to collectivisation efforts in the Soviet Union at the start. I understand they rectified this later but it is probable that the early stages of a socialist society will have problems like this.
The region was prone to famines every 10 years for a thousand years. The soviets ended that permanently. Unfortunately mistakes were made with not having a secondary level of oversight, they over-trusted the reported numbers of grain given by the kulaks who were hording it for profit and it caused a famine that could have been avoided and later was once secondary checks were implemented.
Things are likely to get worse in the beginning - not better.
Things will get worse before the revolution, not after it. Revolutions do not happen without a cause. Things get considerably better after them. What you’re missing is that things are getting worse NOW, they have been getting worse since 2008, they are continuing to get worse, there is absolutely nothing on the horizon that will make them better. Things are going to get worse. We will continue down this path until the conditions get bad enough for things to get very interesting. We are working to build renters union orgs up like Acorn that we believe will be fundamental to the future resistance as renters will outnumber homeowners in the near future, on top of the usual trade unionism, and the other stuff you simply can’t discuss online.
How exactly is unskilled labour a myth? Maybe I should use the term less skilled or just easily replaceable since it’s not 100% unskilled? Either way the result is the same: some labour takes way more time and training than other forms of labour. I don’t think you can complain when a scientist or doctor that spent 7+ years at University while not getting paid gets a higher salary at the end. If you think this is a radical idea I really don’t know what to tell you.
Nah you should stop perpetuating far right anti-worker shit. Nobody is saying that.
I don’t think anybody should be on poverty wages.
Then stop saying the bullshit used to cause it.
I am reporting what I have seen amoung students rather than the general population. The ones who have already been in work or are having to work hard to support themselves while studying are more centrist or right wing.
So the people that can afford university education. You are sheltered and live in a bubble. I on the other hand grew up in squats.
By third world country standards they are probably rich.
Sound like a tory mate. Tell this to the 3million people in the country suffering from malnutrition. I genuinely can’t fucking believe you are saying this shit, today there are 3million people using foodbanks, 15 years ago this figure was 30,000 or so. Are you fucking dense? Blind? Literally oblivious to the cliff we have fallen off of?
Poverty is very much relative. Some people make less in a day than minimum wage in this country for an hour. It’s still not a good thing by any means, but that’s sadly the reality. I don’t think a socialist revolution is going to guarantee everybody has enough food, clothes, and other resources. A lot of people would inevitably end up poorer than to start with, at least for the foreseeable future.
Rent in the soviet union was 5% of your total income.
Those are the options, the third option you’re trying to pretend exists is just stringing everyone along until doing it later, only naive idiots would fall for it. It’s costing this instance subreddits that were planning to move here as well. Up until now we were on the cusp of moving here and directing users from our subreddits to move here. That has been thrown out the window and we’re now looking at others.
You realize things in the UK aren’t that bad, right? Like we have it way better than America. Nobody I know is seriously struggling. We luckily still have free healthcare and a social safety net. I hate to say it but you’re screaming over a much better situation than lots of countries are dealing with.
You are either taking the piss or you are completely and utterly sheltered in your middle class bubble.
4.2million children live in poverty, out of 12.7million total. This amounts to one third of children in poverty. The NHS is literally falling apart at the seams, my family works in the NHS, it has been strangled to death. A lot of it has been stealthily privatised and the rest is just being intentionally ruined. It’s on its last legs and is barely providing essential care.
Even those remotely close to struggling don’t blame capitalism and are actually right wing or centrists. At least this is what I have seen personally. It’s not like these people are transphobic or racist either.
This is factually incorrect. Low income votes go left while high income votes go right. There was a blip created by brexit where this was not the case because everything became the single issue of brexit. Low income voters were convinced that voting for brexit would improve their conditions (they were lied to successfully) and incorrectly voting against their best interests. This however is now returning to left, although with Starmer at the helm and people outside of the politically engage the vast majority of the country has no idea what a slime he truly is. Backed by the media who want to see the real left fucked over as well, he’ll likely do alright.
Backing ML is getting you nowhere fast. Anarchists have more luck these days.
Where exactly? Show me the successful anarchists?
It’s also true that lots of strikes are not skilled labour. We all know jobs like bus driver are not paid very much, yet people complain anyway, and I can’t help but think: you knew exactly what kind of job you were getting into.
Unskilled labour is a myth used to suppress wages. I honestly can’t believe you’re spouting this while claiming to be left wing at all.
Also even the conservatives come up with schemes to help the people that are public spending heavy. Examples include furlough, eat out to help out, and the £2 bus faires that are happening right now. They aren’t neoliberal at all. Schemes like that are not true right wing anymore than labour is true left wing in this country.
Furlough was an economic necessity. Eat out to help out is literally just a business promotion and has fuck all to do with helping the population it’s about business owners, literally their target audience.
the £2 bus faires that are happening right now
While much of the world is making buses 100% free.
And once again, this has nothing to do with helping people and is actually about helping businesses.
Oh so we should just do absolutely nothing, create absolutely no culture of opposition, and allow it to happen considerably more easily then!
Fuck me it’s always americans with this attitude. Completely housebroken people that oppose even the bare minimum of piss easy resistance to corporate control and then wonder why they’re the only fucking country without healthcare, basic consumer protections or uhhhh child labour laws.
Naw that was way sooner, over on the_donald. That subreddit also got banned at the same time as CTH but had been dead for months by that point because they all moved to [DONOTVISIT]thedonald . win(now a virus site) followed by It was basically their way of softening the CTH shit and trying to make it less of an obvious attack on the leftist (non liberal) spaces of reddit. Nobody fell for it.
If you signed up for Valve in the EU for like Left 4 Dead or Half Life or something, it would be against the law for them to share that account with Steam?
Account linking is usually done through a system that you opt into, agreeing to have that link.
This is entirely different, it’s just “fuck it we’ve got all this data, we’ll share it across and use it regardless of consent or not”.
While for other things it’s a completely external registration, for example I have a Steam account but also have to make a completely separate Capcom account for Street Fighter, then link the two together.
The key component is that the end user consents before any data is shared, whereas Meta’s approach is just to do it regardless of consent, treating your private information as something you don’t have a right to control.
In European law it doesn’t matter. You try and bypass laws and the courts have none of it. It’s very “fuck around find out”. They already decided against them for antitrust for doing exactly that.
That was the ruling [PDF] from the European Union’s highest court, the Court of Justice, when it upheld a decision by German antitrust regulators that Meta had abused its dominance in social media by milking users for information and swirling it together to serve up ads to users.
If you bypass shit in the EU they slap you with something else and make an example of you.
Sharing data of users from one company to another company without their consent is literally what GDPR exists to stop. Instagram is one company. Threads is another company.
If it isn’t oogie boogie then it literally wouldn’t have massive legislation against it preventing it worldwide for eu citizens.
The biggest problem causing this is that artists are basically all forced to go wherever the users are, because they have to feed the audience their art. Users don’t come looking for it, the artists chase them with it in order to survive. This is the harder problem to solve because ultimately you won’t solve it until Lemmy is big enough to force artists to chase its userbase.
The technical problem isn’t too hard. But it would mean setting up a hosting company, or a reseller that uses hosting with a frontend for one click installs.
You could add value to this with additional code for Lemmy that allows you to turn on “shop” plugins and such that essentially function like shopify.
This actually makes me wonder what a federated marketplace might look like. Federated ebay, federated amazon. These are essentially centralised shop markets with lots of individual sellers on them, what if the individual sellers were actually a decentralised federated network of sellers instead? The problem you face with this of course is how to resolve the issue of distribution and logistics.
I disagree. The direct politicians sometimes are completely incompetent but their staff aren’t, and they are listening to them. The decisions they make and things they choose to pursue are based on the interests of the class that they represent, the ruling class financial elite. They aren’t bumbling incompetently, they are competently doing evil shit.
This class recognises that US hegemony is strengthened through control of digital media, which it absolutely has intelligence agency fingers in, where it gets to project whatever the fuck it wants to project into the world through the power that this amount of control provides it.
One of the most astute and forward thinking things that the Chinese did was recognise this would develop into a problem and go the “great firewall” route, which enabled them to develop, catch up and eventually build their own equivalents of american services that aren’t in american control. The EU’s failure to do this and the financial vassalisation it has undergone, coupled with the weakening of it by the largest and most competent military leaving via brexit, has led to it becoming completely dominated by US companies.
And now it can’t do fuck all about that. Trying to do so is political suicide. It’s a slow and extremely difficult hole to dig themselves out of.
My take is that it won’t change much until dedollarisation results in the US no longer being able to print money every time a financial crisis happens. Once the dollar is no longer the global reserve currency, which is happening very rapidly now because it’s used sanctions far too much, it will be in a weak position when a financial crisis occurs. When it won’t be able to print money to save the markets from crashing there will be an economic collapse. That collapse will make a mess of all overseas power, both military and soft power, allowing everywhere else in the world that it is exerting power over the opportunity to break free. When countries take that opportunity it will have a multiplying effect upon US problems, because it is a country that completely relies on overseas power and exploitation.
We have a lot of very interesting years ahead.
SWCC is borderline fascist.
Why do you say that? The electoral structure is almost identical to Cuba, although significantly larger in scale (due to obvious population differences), both systems were derivative of the USSR’s system.
What unique structural feature makes you call one fascist over the other? I at least assume you don’t consider Cuba fascist. And what exactly is your take on the USSR? You are aware that the electoral system of Yugoslavia under Tito was also extremely similar right? I mention this since you implied you were fond of titoism.
Creating greater accessibility might eventually be about building packages that have preloaded common setups for different audience-types and use cases.
The problem is less so the accessibility I think and more so how to make it valuable enough for them for it to get some momentum. I think one of the things that has always bugged me about following artists in recent years is that there’s no one single place I can view their entire portfolio. Their content is spread out over ten different platforms from Deviantart to tumblr to pixiv to twitter to whatever else they were trying at the time. And finding their art is incredibly hard in this way. If they actually owned their own platform they might actually post all of their art.
Ideally you would have the artist post their art to their lemmy, and then they would post links to their lemmy posts on other platforms bringing people into lemmy. Because they own and host the instance they can safely know that this content is never going anywhere for as long as they continue hosting it.
There are a lot of possibilities here but tailoring it into something and then getting the right people to start using it is the hard part.
You won’t have unless you’re actively involved politically in some way outside of just voting once every 5 years. It’s one of Corbyn’s organising projects:
There have been longstanding rumours about backroom talks with union leaders about spinning out a new party and taking the unions(and their memberships) to it. But this partially hinges on having leftist leadership in all of the major ones which isn’t the case at the current moment in time. There are 2 union leadership elections between now and the next election that will be fairly major in determining whether this strategy can work down the line.
PR is never going to happen without mass unrest there is literally no incentive for either party to support it without a political collapse occurring where it is used as a concession to prevent further unrest. Both parties benefit from FPTP and literally every leftist would immediately leave the labour party for proper democratic socialist and communist parties that would very suddenly gain massive amounts of power because more than a third of the country would vote for them if not for FPTP. It’s just unrealistic to even discuss it because it’s not happening, the libdems sank that ship, you can thank Nick Clegg for that, President of Global Affairs at Meta, best bud of Zuckerberg with the same powers as him at the company.
What is shocking is the apathy of states. Slightly more movement in the past years, but it’s still extraordinary how spying laws are now being circumvented through the use of industry, and states are just mostly looking away.
Not too shocking when you realise that the US isn’t going to restrict its own tech companies because it likes being the global tech hegemony, while europe and others lag because they have become vassalised by the US, this report mentions ukraine in the title but the content of the report sees it as having taken place over a much longer period. This isn’t some fringe influence org, it’s a direct policy tank funded by Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, etc etc etc the list is really really fucking long.
Europe has almost no digital social media of its own, no digital sovereignty if you will, and the vassalisation has caused extreme reluctance to address this, which compounds the issue. Unlike India, China, Russia or others where they have constructed their own media that they control.
I doubt that anyone is going to address this, not unless they want to end up in the crosshairs of punishing sanction policy. It’s not going to get resolved until dedollarisation of the federal reserve currency progresses significantly further.
What are you on about there are multiple growing ML parties in the US. PSL does excellent work.
You’re obsessed with electoralism, you have no understanding that the goal of MLs has literally nothing to do with electoralism. You can not establish socialism by winning elections, it has not happened and it will never happen. The furthest left possible through electoralism is socdem shit and the american ruling class already proved they won’t even allow that anymore.
All you can think of is elections and whether it’s possible to win percentages. Your brain is goo. You’re completely stuck in the mindset of american civil religion, believing only in institutional paths for anything in everything. This is an uneducated mindset to politics. The biggest gains are always won in the streets. What’s wild about this is that americans have the civil rights movements and have watched lgbt people change things in the last 50 years entirely through actions in the streets and still have no idea what politics means outside of electoralism. It’s like a country of children.