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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


More like “Let me rifle through everything in your apartment, your email, browser history, passwords, social media messages, and then provide me the geolocation date for everywhere you go, along with your biometric data.”

The problem with your argument is it doesn’t even showcase just how egregious the entire privacy invasion aspect is.

I once read that the best way to reply is by simply saying thank you.

Offensive language won’t be tolerated here? According to who? You clearly don’t understand federation if you can’t grasp that you can be part of two different instances that aren’t federated. What you’re doing is trying to impose your will on other people who want nothing to do with it. Calling that fucking stupid is the most polite way I can frame that attitude.

Nah, it doesn’t seem quite like that. The closest thing I can think of would be something like Tumblr or closer still Geocities

I would definitely be down with a return to things like webrings. Everyone creates their own website and uploads content, and good creators invite eachother to their rings. I don’t know why we ever stopped doing that.

I think younger people don’t give a shit about privacy because they grew up in a post 9/11 surveillance world. Facebook, Instagram and the internet at large became a giant surveillance machine and they’ve never known another possibility, so it’s normalized to them.

How is that the death of the fediverse? Just go to Threads if you want to be part of it. What are you people, fucking stupid?

Because of quarterly profits. We have to hit those KPIs!

But, yeah. Honestly, I’m fucking done with mass appeal websites. You know what else is mass appeal? Reality television and pop music. Let the idiots have TikTok, Instagram and Twitter, that should be enough for them.

A new community for discussing the housing crisis
It's something on nearly every young person's mind: the housing crisis. Once limited to places like San Francisco, NYC, Hong Kong and London, the real estate crisis has gone global. With house prices at abnormal heights and rent prices following suit, it's only a matter of time before certain cities hit their breaking point. Let's post information, discuss how we as individuals can make a difference, or even just vent about the complete absurdity of the situation and how we got here. This is one of the defining issues of our generation. Don't just stand on the sidelines.