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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


So many people, in this, the age of social media, when they subscribe to an -ism, feel the need to stake that ground and defend it from anyone who attacks it. They mistake that feeling for the need to defend anyone else that ever claimed the same -ism.

It’s the same impulse that drives the American practice of “the republicans are defending this, so I, a democrat have to attack it.” (See: CNN under trump for a great example). This obviously works both ways, the more ridiculous ones usually go the other way from dem to repub. But followers of both parties do it. Same goes for everyone on the internet, almost, communists are definitely also very high on that list, suddenly denying all sorts of massacres. It’s nuts

Rojadirecta.watch would be a good place to check. They do all sports, afaik. I’ve never seen ufc, but I’ve never looked for it.

Goddamn, that cop got cake

Painting with an incredibly broad brush here

who needs a body massage?

^^body ^^massage ^^machiiiine…


If that’s true (link broken), that’s the saddest, most pathetic, try-hard response I could’ve imagined lol

A gen Xer dissing NIN?!

We are looking out for your kids. Just like everyone else looked out for us when we were teenagers on the internet: By mercilessly roasting us because what we were doing deserved to be roasted lol

Being a teenager and being embarrassing is like the strongest connection in the world. If I ever had to take more advanced science classes in my poorly educated state, I’d tell you what kind of covalent or electron bond or something it was, but I didn’t. But trust me, being young and embarrassing is a rite of passage. They just happen to be going through it now.

You have to remember that gen Z’ers are early twenties. It’s not usually the early 20s ones that are cringe, it’s the younger teenagers who, almost as a rule, are always pretty cringe. They don’t have the sense and forethought to not do really, really embarrassing stuff. They’re just full of emotions and hormones and those impulses aren’t tampered by fully developed brains thinking better than to…do really weird stuff. It’s not out of the ordinary. Millennials are late twenties to late thirties/early 40s.


(Or, DMX: barks)

Lol I have a hard time selling players on my fifa team that have been there a while because I feel like they’d be disappointed in my betraying their loyalty.

“Avengers porn XXX” basically. A lot of variations on that phrase.

This made me DuckDuckGo “avengers 4d experience cum shot” and now I feel like a fool. At least DDG will do me the courtesy of forgetting all about this

Honestly, chances are godaddy sold it to them for a few hundred bucks.

Were they a bozo, though? If they sold that domain to FB, there is a great chance they just banked like gangbusters.

Is that so?

…gif any names of these services? Just so I can avoid them, of course!