• 3 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


My elderly neighbors are taking him in over the weekends :) He loves them a lot and they love him :)

No, actually not. I feel like if the feeling of productivity stayed, I would even be more happy.

I realized that I have 3 different kinds of being unmotivated:

  • Low dopamine (brain). It’s like having sat through an extremely long and tough meeting where you had to concentrate hard. and afterwards you just need to lie down a rest for a while. That’s how I always felt during my entire life - but no matter how long I lied down, I didn’t recover.
  • Not enough food. I never noticed it this way before the medication. Feels the same as low dopamin, but it goes away if I eat enough and healthy. Before meds, I would just feel unmotivated like I always used to feel, but also hungry at the same time. Eating wouldn’t make it go away, but now with meds, it does.
  • Physically exhausted. The same feeling of unmotivated as the other two, but it follows after a heavy workout or hours of cleaning. Muscles hurt, joints ache. Needs a good nights sleep or some time relaxing and then it’s gone

Before meds, I just always felt the same feeling of being unmotivated (low dopamine at all times), and sometimes I was also hungry and sometimes I was also physically exhausted. Now, I feel

  • motivated when the meds work
  • unmotivated when they work but I haven’t eaten enough, but motivation comes back after eating
  • unmotivated when they work but I went to the gym and had a hard session, but motivation comes back if I relax for a while unmotivated when the meds lose effect in the afternoon

I can function but only if I’m interested in what I’m doing, but it only works to a degree.

I used to be like this. Also, I was able to do things when the pressure got really high (like timelines or stuff). But usually, everytime I wanted to do anyhting, everytime I thought “I should do this”, I immediatly felt this strong reaction, a feeling of “no energy”, like my body telling my to conserve my energy and better not do anything.

I’m interested in medications but have always been fearful about addiction, side effects and dependency.

Frankly, I cannot see how I could get addicted to those meds. This is definitely not comparable to any drug I used (I took a lot, but don’t tell my employer!). I’m still my normal self, my senses, my way of looking at the world are still the same. I simply can do things, the thought of “I want to do this” is not followed by anything. I want to do something and I just do it.

I wrote something about my side effects here: https://feddit.de/comment/2943749 For me, they are very manageable and do not really impact me.

As for dependency - well, my life is simply better with the meds. If I want to be productive and live a happy life, I simply will require medication. That’s how it is, and I have come to terms with it. The increase in quality of life is absolutely worth it.

As someone long undiagnosed I would like to hear more about your diagnosis journey.

Got diagnosed with 36. I was extremely procrastinating my whole life, was “lazy”, never tidy, always unorganized - in sharp contrast to my sister and parents. I somehow still managed to get a PhD and become a government official in Germany.

What is a rebound?

My meds only work for 7 hours per day. This is when I’m productive and all. And the “rebound” is after those 7 hours, when the medication stops working and I’m back to being my unmedicated, procrastinating self.

Also I don’t understand the two “when the meds worked” - one followed by I was always at work and the other “at my work apartment with my meds working”. So they were working and then they were working at your apartment. Sorry I’m stupid.

Nah I have trouble wording this correctly, as english is my second language. Monday to Friday, those productive 7 hours always set in when I’m at work. But when I come home to my work apartment in the afternoon/evening, the meds are not working anymore.

On Saturday and Sunday I’m at my shared apartment with my wife (which is always tidy and clean because that’s how she is). So, when I take my meds on the weekend and I get my 7 hours of functioning, I’m at my true home in our my shared apartment, but not at my work apartment. And then we do all kinds of things, like meeting friends and family and stuff.

So, basically every day of the week, when I get my 7 hours of functioning, I’m not at my work apartment and it doesn’t get properly cleaned or maintained.

We’re you just nervous about meds and hit a threshold?

No, I was never nervous about meds. My procrastination just got so bad that I sought professional help, and this led to my diagnosis.

Outside of cleaning what else have you experienced?

During my productive 7 hours, I’m extremely focussed, organized, tidy, can follow talks or presentations very well. I don’t drift off at all. I have a strong urge to be productive, and even keep chats with my colleagues quite short so I can get to work on the stuff I was doing. After my productive 7 hours, I’m unmotivated and tired again and basically do nothing but cuddle my cat and watch Netflix, or maybe play Starfield.

The only side effects I currently experience are a loss of appetite while the meds work and a high demand/thirst for water.

I had headaches during the first two days on meds, but those stopped when I started drinking a lot of water (~6 liters per day) and kept eating small things during the day. During the first two weeks, when the meds stopped working in the evening, I experienced around 20-30 minutes of some itching, additionally, I had increased reflux during the night. This however stopped completely after two weeks.

Also during the first two weeks, around noon, I’d have around 20 minutes where I just had a strong desire to talk to someone face-to-face. An hour later, this would be followed by another 20 minutes of hot flashes. I interpreted this as the stages where blood-concentration was the highest (pink line, hour 3) or changed the rate of diminishing (hour 4).

But all of this was extremely manageable and completely overshadowed by the positive effects.

When the meds work it is simply amazing
Tl;dr: Awesome Was officially diagnosed and put on medication (MPH/Medikinet) 5 weeks ago. I work far from where I live, so I got my own one-room apartment with a cat near my workplace and at the weekends I commute home to my wife and our shared apartment. I take my meds in the morning and they last for 7 hours. So, when the meds have an effect, I'm always at my workplace, but when I come back home to my working apartment in the evening, the effect is gone and I'm unmotivated again. Or it's the weekends and I'm at my "real" home with my wife, doing all sorts of activities. This means, everytime I was at my "work" apartment, I was unmotivated to do anything. [The apartment looked just like you would expect it after 1.5 years.](https://feddit.de/pictrs/image/1681e75c-83bf-44c5-8e14-6257aea5152f.jpeg) Today is my first day at my work apartment with the meds working, and suddenly, I'm cleaning like a single guy expecting to get laid. No forcing necessary, no motivating tricks. I see something I don't like and I do it. I can prioritize and focus and it requires no effort. Medication really turns your life around when it works. And neurotypicals will never experience how much they play on easy mode. [Cat tax.](https://feddit.de/pictrs/image/2ef57357-dc74-48ba-94ef-52890842d120.png)

That’s a joke from the TV series “Community”. One guy is in a cult (“Reformed Neo Buddhism”) and he says once he becomes a Level 6 Laser Lotus he will be able to see the color blurple

Some people react to Lisdexamfetamine, some to Methylphenidate. But in both cases: when you get the med that works for you, suddenly everything drastically changes for the better. Keep trying with your physician until you find something that works.

I have the same ups and downs during the day and from week to week too.

I don’t have any ups and downs since starting medication. The days with 10mg felt all the same and the days with 20mg felt all the same. Even the first day felt like the rest of the 10mg days, except for that one instance of cleaning. And today probably is different because the dose was upped again, but I expect tomorrow to be quite similar.

2 ½ weeks with MPH, can someone lend me some advice?
*This post is both, seeking for advice and just communicating* Hey people, I finally got diagnosed with ADHD at 36 because I had a severe motivational blockade and executive dysfunction and started medication with Medikinet adult (not sure if it has other names on the international market). We started with 10mg (taken in the morning) and intend to raise it by 10 every week, now I'm on 30mg. But I have some questions about how it feels when it's properly working. The first day I didn't notice anything for most of the day, except for the afternoon when I came home, saw how untidy my apartment was and just started cleaning. I didn't even have to force or convince myself, I just saw something that bothered me and worked away to fix it. However, this special feeling never occured again so far. The days after this, I was able to do things again (sport, grocery shopping) etc, I even had no issues with my work (which before was just a brutal chore and tiresome). There were still things I didn't like doing or put off doing (a difficult E-Mail for example), but I felt like I could do these things if I forced myself. This feeling continued in the second week with 20mg, work become even a bit easier. Still, I felt like I was a bit easily distracted (but only by other kinds of work, I had the need to be productive). Today for the first time I'm on 30mg and I feel strongly compelled to work. The 5 minute coffee break with a friend, with whom I'd usually talk until she kicks me out of her office, just seemd way to long and I desperately wanted to go back to work. I also feel somewhat energetic in my body. Still, I think I'm a bit too easily distracted - also, thinking about cleaning, I don't have the same way of feeling about it like I had on the first. I think it would still require some willpower to start. The strong urge to work and the high, somewhat chaotic energy - are these symptoms because the dose is too high, or will they become more managable with more familiarization to the dose or higher doses? Will that feeling from day 1 about cleaning come back, where it didn't take any kind of willpower to do it? Or was that a fluke? Also, since the beginning of treatment, I have 20 minute spurs like twice a day (around 3,5 and 7 hours after taking the meds) where I really need to communicate with someone, sometimes face-to-face and sometimes just anonymously. Which is also a strong reason why I made that thread, so please, share your experiences.

Sometimes, it requires medication.

Okay. Because I have my ADHD diagnosis session tomorrow and I’m really, really stressed out about it - especially after reading what you wrote. But I’m visiting an ADHD specialist for adults.

Was it a “normal” psychiatrist or someone specialized on ADHD?

Sorry aber das hat doch nichts mehr mit Journalismus zu tun, die FAZ hyped die AfD doch gezielt hoch mit solchen Schlagzeilen. Das klingt doch echt bejubelnd, als wär’s das 1:0 im WM-Finale! Jedes Prozentpünktchen kündigen sie an wie einen Gewinn den man feiern müsse.

Something that would help our compact star students because they always struggled with it

  • create a c++ library or header which is a a faithful implementation of numpy’s np.loadtxt for Python
  • create a c++ library or header which is a a faithful implementation of scipy’s interpol1d for Python.

Seriously, just importing a simple txt Datafile table with just white spaces or tabs as delimiter is so much more work in C++ than in python.

Aber die Deutschlehrer haben Recht.

Meine Schwester hatte sich damals beschwert, dass ich den Computer mit Videospielen zumüllen würde, nachdem ich Nero installiert hatte.

Yeah man tell me more about how the guy who used an executive order in his second month in office to make it easer to unionize and released $36 billion to pay for the pensions of union workers and who’s supported by the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, the American Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and has personally supported and helped the auto workers union strike and always talks about unions in the highest regards is actually an anti-union monster because he had to prevent a railroad worker union strike which at most would have benefitted 100k people, but would have cost millions of workers job’s in the process.

You know, maybe the railroad workers union shouldn’t have tried to kill the entire country, but done limited, but still impactful warning strikes. But, alas, all-or-nothing types do not understand that the needs of millions outweigh the needs of thousands sometimes.

Must’ve been something about all that cucking of yours that skewed your perception.


Trumpist detected. Why are they always so obsessed with cucking? Play leftist somewhere else, you guys are really obvious to spot.

“Look, Biden is better, but what about [stuff Republicans did]?”

Did the general pardon for marijuana convicts happen yet?


Yes, and that you don’t know is a statement about the shitty state of US media, which does not adequately report on what democrats do compared to what republicans say. Because it gives less clicks.

Are there plans to legalize or is it bad luck if your arrested a day after the pardon.

No plans for federal legalization (impossible with this senate anyways), but the pardon applies also to later convicts

regardless of whether they have been charged with or prosecuted for this offense on or before the date of this proclamation

and you can apply for a pardon certificate here: https://www.justice.gov/pardon/presidential-proclamation-marijuana-possession

Fuck Off with that “both sides” nonsense.

I fucking love a general pardon for marijuana convicts. I fucking love a 35$ price cap on insulin. I fucking love the enshrinement of gay marriage into law. I fucking love that Joe Biden orders government agencies to provide abortion pills and other medical assistance to those who seek it, even if they live in republican states.

I fucking hate everything about republicans.

1970: “Es darf keine etablierte Partei rechts der CSU geben”

2023: “Unsere Identität bestimmt sich alleine an der AfD”

Ich liebe mein FP3!

And such a slider mechanism would also work pretty well for modern smartphones as a protective cover.

Yeah auf Reddit darf man nichtmal auf Grundgesetz-treue Retter hoffen weil Gewalt gegen Nazis ja total böse ist, auch wenn sie explizit rechtlich erlaubt wird unter gewissen Umständen.

Demonstranten mit nem Auto überfahren wird da übrigens geduldet btw.

Vielleicht haben wir ja Glück und ein Georg Elser erledigt den Job mit der AfD bevor sie an die Macht kommen kann.

Der olle Karl sollte nicht in einer Reihe stehen mit Stalin und Cze. Der Karl war stabil und chillig.

Vielleicht weil Union und FDP sie sehr gerne öffentlich anzweifeln sobald ihnen nicht in den Kram passt was die Wissenschaft zeigt?

It’s also a great way to say “Do we fucking look like Republicans to you?” while at the same time reassuring the studio that it’s a completely unpolitical joke about an FBI investigation

Bäh, Pflaumen. Marmelade ftw!

In the end, what must be done but hasn’t really tried yet: Democratic companies.

Every person who works in a company gets a vote. The CEO can be voted in and out by the people working there. Different departments can vote on who should be promoted to manager. If there’s trouble with that, in a bi-annual workers meeting this can be undone or confirmed by all people.

Works damn well in scientific collaborations. Would also work great in large companies.

Fuck yeah, I’m unironically all for that. Even better when the world setting makes sense of it. In cyberpunk for example one could’ve easily had some characters be gender fluid, like chosing a different body depending on the daily mood - after all, there was a superstar whose body was full metal.

Or like a literal fluid person, made from fluid metal or so, and also their personality is genderfluid.

Oh, i see. Sorry dude

Mal etwas zum Thema: “Die Zeitenwende wird verschlafen” oder “Die Bundeswehr/Das Beschaffungsamt ist so inkompetent”
*Tl;dr: Hier mal ein Beispiel, wie aktiv Stimmung gegen die Bundeswehr und das Beschaffungsamt gemacht wird* Einige haben es vielleicht schon an meinem Namen erraten: Ich habe in der Beschaffung für die Bundeswehr zu tun. Deshalb betrifft mich die "Zeitenwende" persönlich ein wenig und ich weiß einigermaßen gut Bescheid, was so alles passiert. Mein Fazit ist da: Es passiert verdammt viel, es wird hervorragende Arbeit geleistet und auch unter Christine Lambrecht lief es schon wirklich gut. Wenn etwas länger dauert, dann aus den gleichen Gründen wie bei allen anderen Armeen auch: Militärische Beschaffung ist echt kompliziert. Naja, außer man verstaatlicht seine ganzen Rüstungsbetriebe und hat eine extrem korrupte Regierung, so wie Polen. Dann geht einiges schneller, aber nicht besser. Aber wenn man mal so die Schlagzeilen liest, dann klingt das gar nicht so. Alles dauert immer länger, wird immer teurer, das Beschaffungsamt ist eh viel zu groß und gehört verkleinert bla bla. Und natürlich ist das nur bei der Bundeswehr so, bei niemandem sonst. Ein Freund von mir hat mich da auf ein gutes Beispiel aufmerksam gemacht, dass ich euch gerne präsentieren würde: Die Schlageile von Golem.de: >[Das für die Bundeswehr neu bestellte Funkgerät PNR-1000 bringt wohl nur 1 MBit/s.](https://www.golem.de/news/pnr-1000-neues-funkgeraet-der-bundeswehr-bringt-wohl-nur-1-mbit-s-2212-170452.html) Da sagt die Überschrift ja gleich alles aus: Das neue Funkgerät: "Schlecht". "Nur 1MBit/s". Und weil ja niemand wirklich weiß, ob das jetzt irgendwie schnell oder langsam ist, wird im Artikel ein Vergleich gebracht: >Die U.S. Army hatte im Jahr 2021 L3Harris mit der Herstellung und Lieferung von 1.000 neuen taktischen Funkgeräten des Typs Falcon IV AN/PRC-171 Compact Team Radio beauftragt. Die Datenübertragungsrate beträgt bis zu 16 MBit/s. 16MBit/s kriegt die US Army! Aber die inkompetente Bundeswehr kriegt von ihrem inkompetenten Beschaffungsamt 16 mal langsamere Funkgeräte! Was der Artikel überhaupt nicht erwähnt ist, dass diese Funkgeräte beide völlig unterschiedliche Einsatzzwecke haben. Das hätte bei der niedrigen Stückzahl von 1.000 Funkgeräten für die US Army auffallen können. Das [AN/PRC-171](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/PRC-117#/media/File:US_Navy_071211-N-1924T-035_Marine_Lance_Cpl._Christine_Salazar,_a_member_of_the_24th_Marine_Expeditionary_Unit,_uses_a_PRC-117_radio_and_SATCOM_antenna_to_receive_communications_while_aboard_the_amphibious_assault_ship_USS_Nass.jpg) ist nämlich ein Satellitenfunkgerät, ganzes Stück größer und wird eher so für Kommandoposten oder große Reichweiten benutzt. Die Funkgeräte PNR-1000 für die Bundeswehr sollen aber von den einzelnen Soldat*Innen im Gefecht zur Kommunikation benutzt werden. Da werden keine hochsensiblen, riesigen Datensätze verschickt und das alles findet in einem relativ kleinen Bereich statt. Deshalb nutzt und kauft die Bundeswehr das AN/PRC-171 schon seit Jahren und hat eben wieder 900 Stück neu gekauft. >[Bundestag billigt Haushaltsmittel für zusätzliche PRC-117-Funkgeräte](https://soldat-und-technik.de/2020/10/fuehrung-kommunikation/24395/bundestag-billigt-haushaltsmittel-fuer-zusaetzliche-prc-117-funkgeraete/) >Am Mittwoch, den 28. Oktober, hat der Deutsche Bundestag die 25-Millionen-Euro-Vorlage „Ergänzungsbeschaffung von Funkgeräten PRC-117G einschließlich Equipment“ gebilligt. Insgesamt sollen für ca. 91 Millionen Euro über 900 Funkgeräte samt Equipment beschafft werden. Das PNR-1000, [von denen die Bundeswehr 15.227 Stück erhalten wird](https://esut.de/2022/11/meldungen/38211/e-lynx-hand-und-fahrzeugfunkgeraete-fuer-den-digitalen-truppenfunk/), wird übrigens auch gerade von [den Niederlanden, Schweden, Spanien und der Schweiz eingeführt.](https://soldat-und-technik.de/2020/12/fuehrung-kommunikation/25002/elbit-systems-liefert-e-lynx-sdr-funkgeraete-fuer-die-schweiz/) Bei denen schreibt aber keiner Artikel, dass die "nur" 1MBit/s liefern. In Deutschland wird die Ausstattung der Bundeswehr konsequent klein geredet und lächerlich gemacht. Und obwohl es echte Probleme gibt, sind die keinesfalls einzigartig für die Bundeswehr - andere Armeen haben mit genau denselben Dingen zu kämpfen. Insgesamt ist die Bundeswehr praktisch so gut ausgestattet wie die französische oder britische Armee - und auch bei deren Beschaffungsämtern dauert es oft länger und wird teurer. Deshalb: Bei der nächsten Schlagzeile, wie dysfunktional die Bundeswehr, das Beschaffungsamt und die Ausstattung ist, einfach ruhig bleiben und sich sagen: Jede Verzögerung oder Preissteigerung hat ihren guten Grund. Weil militärische Beschaffung leider echt kompliziert ist.