what.cd’s (RIP) big music spider tree was that for me. Artist I like? At the the bottom of the page, a buncha of others like them.
I’ve considered an Apple TV! But we went with just tons of desktop computers instead. Every screen has a computer on it, so we can stream/torrent/do anything we want.
One is old and has one 80mm fan only. Phenom II, for reference. It’s LOUD. but it worked well enough.
We’re actually replacing that with an M2 Mac Mini next week. The cheap one, but with the dock w/internal SSD port (1TB=60USD) and an external HDD to back stuff up with. We don’t NEED that for just doing general computer tasks, but we DO something to manage our 120k-150k photos we have. And I hate to say it, but nothing comes close to iPhoto for sorting that many photos.
I was an immediate Android adopter with the Dream/G1, then the G2 when it released. Then my partner got an iPhone. I played with it for like a half hour, and was like “this is so goddamn smooth.” I switched to an iPhone 5, and used it for ALMOST FIVE YEARS! They did give me a free battery replacement, but after five years, it still worked just fine. I’m a hardcore PC enthusiast (currently have three machines I’ve built, one more in progress, and a SFF in planning) but I’m never switching back from iPhones. My G1 got hella slow after like a year (understandable; it’s new tech) and custom ROMs helped. Same story with G2 (nightmare to install custom ROM on that…)
I also work on computers all day, and play on computers at home. I just want a phone that goes fast, can handle me never deleting a single text, and can go fast with 10k+ photos, even 3-5 years old. iOS DOMINATES this. I never have to do a full format, I restart my phone maybe once every two months. I don’t like or use iTunes except to make the easiest fucking incremental full system images ever. When I finally got a new phone, I plugged it in, clicked NEW PHONE, and it made it EXACTLY THE SAME as my previous phone. Zero effort. I’m on an XS max now and I’m only considering upgrading because the new models have 120hz screens, which ugh… yum. Also would be nice to have less ISO grain when taking low light cat pix.
That’s a FANTASTIC machine!
The big problem with popping a new CPU in is how slow all the other stuff on your mobo is. Your old mobo maybe has one m.2 port? Might even be SATA m.2? We never used it on the 4670k machine. Also RAM speeds, if you could pop a 13900k in there, it’d be right crippled by DDR3. Always new mobo with new CPU for me. Also because I upgrade my CPU every 7-9 years, and stuff changes insanely. My partner’s mobo has FOUR GOSH DANG m.2 SLOTS. FOUR! We almost went SATA-less but had an unopened 4TB HDD so we popped that in there.
What’s in your new build? I bet it blew your mind when you played anything you were used to!
I love both AMD and Intel, but the CPU socket being only for one generation is a full non-issue. If I’m going to upgrade my CPU, I’m going to upgrade my everything. I’ve legitimately never had the urge to only replace my CPU hahaha
Nice, noted! Then that’s not an issue. My only issue then would be the speed of the storage. Not a big issue on my iPad as I don’t use it for much, but running stuff and even going through pictures on my phone would be a nightmare (…which is my fault for having 15k pictures on it and not clearing it out i. Years…)
I would looooove iMessage to be an option on my computers and my friends’ Android phones. Signal is great, but iMessage is so super clean. I love that I can have E2E encrypted chats from my laptop to my friends’ phones.
People complain about BuBbLe CoLouRs without even knowing what it means… iMessage is legitimately amazing. 100% get it to other platforms, Apple!
With phones and tablets I can understand, honestly. Soldered-in insanely fast storage space is quite expensive. Only recently a 2TB NVMe drive (much slower than what’s in an iPad) came down to reasonable prices. 1k+ is still a hella overcharge, but for the type memory it is, I can understand it being more than a standard NVMe.
Expanded storage slots would be great, too… but slow as shit I’d it’s SD. Are iPads waterproof? If not, then that’s not an issue, but if they are, I could see that being a problem as well.
laughs in early 2011 15” MacBook pro
While you’re right, I can’t go past High Sierra… after popping in a SSD and 16GB RAM, that motherfucker still tears it up. It helps that it has a dedicated GPU, I suppose.
Same experience as you with PC though—my partner’s 4670k/1070 were doing just fine until they tried to play Persona 5. That CPU just couldn’t handle the train station; all those people dropped it to under 10FPS. Ten year old machine though, played Elden Ring at about 40FPS at 1440p! (The 1070 was the most recent part in their machine.)
12600k/3070 now, and it handles EVERYTHING. I’m jelly. I’ve got a 9900k and it’s beautiful, but I get TotK stutters and they don’t.
I gotta say, I love my AirBuds sooooo much. I only use my nice cans on my computer anymore.
That’s a different use case though. Falling asleep with cheap speakers is a much better idea than big speakers… My partner and I leave shows or long VODs on to sleep, and even with the bass all the way down, sometimes I feel like it’s a bit distracting.
You’re onto something—I should snag us a pair of 2.0 speakers and just switch to those for sleep. Then we wouldn’t have to adjust the sub all the time.
Graveworm’s Renaissance in Blood was the first to come to my mind.
I’m old and learned cursive from grade one and I still find it horrible to decipher hahaha