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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 28, 2023


And when those alts call themselves “drag” what do you think will happen?

Why is that troll not banned from ALL of lemmy? I don’t get it.

Oh, and for the record; this post and all the comments in it including mine- are exactly why they do what they do.

They feed on the drama. Ban them, and this ends.

Not sure if this is helpful, but my take is:

Because in most cases, what is assumed to be “truth”is subjective. If you’re talking political. More often things are blurred with regards to truth as most things tend not to be empirically true, but instead, emotionally true.

For example;

“All conservatives are Nazis!”

This is inherently untrue. Yet I see every day- people who believe this to be the absolute truth. Same thing with-

“All liberals want to do is make our children gay!”

Also untrue. But when you try and correct them, they will almost always entrench themselves within their own version of the truth and disregard any form of critical thinking.

Probably has a lot to do with the shitpost meme communities fucking up the feed. I’d bail too if I didn’t think that shit will dry up once the kids find something else to do.

The shit should be banned until they can figure out how to make the filters work right instead of the other way around.

So tell me how the person I responded to knew the above was a bot by its name….

If there were any books that were like the Bible to me, I’d never want to read them again, and consider them the worst examples of fiction I’ve ever read.

So you think our need to COOK meat is the same as needing to EAT meat?

My god. I don’t think there’s much help for you.

You are absolutely 100% wrong on this. And so wrong that it’s hilarious. Please don’t reproduce.

Guy says “whatabout” and goes on to bring up something else to compare, and you’re saying it’s not a whatabout?


He’s asked twice in two different posts and clearly shows a bias towards android phones both in his posts and in the comments.

He’s just stirring a pot that should have been emptied back in 2008.

Dude… let it go. Seriously. You’re clearly trying to drum up some drama. It doesn’t matter what people use. It doesn’t effect you at all. They will use what they want, and you will use what you want.

And I’ve read that post. You’re fishing from conflict there as well, but most of the responses were well thought out reasons for using the product- you just didn’t like/agree with them. So now you’re here trying again.

If you have such a hate-boner for apple, don’t use apple.

Deal with it.

Dude actually said “what about….”

I’m not on either side of the argument, but would guess a good argument would be that fish need to eat other fish in order to survive as it’s their only source of food. We don’t. Provenly.

The minute I disagreed with them, any chance of a fruitful discussion left the building. Pirates are about as bad as the ACAB kids. You can’t disagree with them with our being insulted and fed bullshit anecdotal nonsense as arguments.

ROFL…. You’re NOT the good guys in this.

Lol… k. Apologies for raining on your little pirate parade, but you’re not the good guys. You never were.

I’m pretty sure you don’t dictate reality kiddo. I’m disagreeing with YOU.


Piracy is going to cost streaming media over $100BN over the next few years. It’s great to move goalposts when it makes you feel better about what you do- but…

Sooner or later, someone is going to need them back where they’re supposed to be so they can align better with reality.

That’s quite an anecdotal pile of verbal nonsense there bud. I’m guessing you’re bitter about a very specific company’s ways of releasing their product?

Hers some helpful advice: If you don’t like who makes it- don’t buy it. It works wonders for me.

Do you understand that piracy has caused a majority of the problems we face with digital media nowadays, the least being rising costs. (Rhetorical question, please don’t answer)

Pirates, thinking they’re on the moral high ground. Lol

I got banned from that sub for having common sense.

Are we still suggesting that being autistic is an insult? It’s 2023 for Christ’s fucking sake.

Im glad this never happened. It would have been the lowest of the low in entertainment. We don’t need to hit the bottom just yet.

It would be nice if all NSFW was annexed to their own instance and left out of generally populated ones. There’s no need for it to be side-by-side with generalized content.

As a fellow atheist, I’d like to request that you don’t become anything like Reddit atheists. Please. Their smug hypocritical holier than thou attitude was cringy as hell.

And I say this as a 51 year old that’s been an atheist for 30+ of those years.

Please just be super chill and you’ll have an awesome community!