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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


They’re not telling anyone “how to think”. They’re telling transphobes and “trans sceptics” to fuck off. And who cares if they do it with a pinned post rather than a sidebar announcement? Some apps hide the sidebar in a menu.

Also when you say you opened a bunch of communities, do you mean you hosted them? Because those two women are literally running the server this instance is running on. Doesn’t sound all that easy to me.

Oh true! Tbh that never particularly bothered me because I end up organising stuff into my own folders anyways which all automatically go into DCIM.

Thanks for the in-depth reply!

I can sympathise with the TV in your head thing haha, for me the music feels constant which can be nice but occasionally really annoying and distracting loops get stuck in there. I’ve found asmr to be a good remedy for that though idk how relevant that would be for the mental images side of things. Also, I get all these ideas which I record/write down and… never really develop -_- feels like there’s too much I wanna do and not enough time to really get into the meat of it :/

Even though you find number stuff in your head tricky how have you found algebra / calculus / the more abstract side of maths? Or more closely tied to programming, set theory? Maybe you’d be able to visualise the more abstract concepts well.

Downloads have always gone to the downloads folder for me

But yes any app that takes/edits pictures can save them who the fuck knows where lol

And it sucks

(not that google’s files app isn’t a mess either)

:O sounds like a superpower

Are you an artist? I can imagine music pretty clearly (and I’m pretty sure I’ve got some tune looping around in there more often than not) but I’d say that’s largely thanks to having actually trained that skill

Yes this one confused me too

Seems like Heisenburg was a one trick pony. Jesse was the real visionary all along!

Fascism is at its core about maintaining societal heirarchy. Bigotry and elitism naturally follow from the belief in heirarchies.

It’s no surprise that Mussolini advocated for “class collaboration” (and also coined the term himself), in direct opposition to the fundamentally leftist concept of class struggle.

Why wouldn’t the All feed have as many communities on small instances? Does federation have to be ‘consensual’?

Also, I noticed I can reply to comments on this thread but not the post itself. Does this have to do with federation or is it a limitation of Jerboa or smthn?

(Also - TIL feddit.it is located in Finland!? 😅)