  • 3 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


I think it means they have the Holy Spirit within them

That’s horrific.

Do your device not do voicemail transcripts?

I only listen to a voicemail is the transcript is so bad it’s unreadable, which hasn’t happened in a very long time

and where exactly is it saved?

On your phone, silly.

I actually don’t understand the need for this, don’t images have an alt tag where you can put the image transcription?

Is it necessary to put it in the text of the post as well? (Aside from your kbin UI issues)

The "Always have been" meme but it's a picture of beans and the first astronaut says "Wait . Are we still upvoting these?" The second astronaut says "Always have been."

Or are there just not any apps that support reading the alt text yet?

do not talk to me.

…or my sons ever again!

Sounds like Rule 34 content.

Bert stripping at Ernie’s Club

That’s a common misconception.

Idiocracy is not a documentary, it’s a warning.

If I was a multibilionaire I wouldn’t blow it all buying a social media site and running it into the ground

Ah yes, wet memes.

When you’re having a really good meme and… well you know.

Wait you have to use two thumbs? Lame.

I swipe with just one thumb, it’s fully one-handed fingered thumbed

Yeah occasionally when I really wanna make sure autocorrect doesn’t fuck around I will hit individual keys but otherwise it’s swipe all the time


I’m actually enjoying the antique meme revival

Yeah it needs some love, but I still think it’s better to have than not.

It’s not less secure than a password alone.

If you are concerned, I would suggest keeping another browser/device/etc logged in when trying to enable 2FA.
Then if the 2FA activation fails, you can use that second session (which does not get logged out when you enable 2FA) to then disable it again.

As far as I can tell, no. There’s no backup codes and there’s no “verification” of the codes when you enable it.

Also, you do not get logged out of any other sessions even if they were logged in before 2FA was enabled.
So I typically leave my desktop browser logged in as a backdoor in case something goes wrong I can use that session to re-disable 2FA.
Then once I have verified it working on mobile I will sign out the desktop browser and sign it back in with the 2FA key.

But yeah, no backup codes. Apparently an admin can disable 2FA on your account if you get locked out, or so I have heard.

2FA and You: Some tips for enabling 2FA
Given the recent attack, I think this is a good opportunity to remind of the importance of using 2FA. (although it doesn't appear to make any difference in this case as session cookies were being exploited so login credentials were not needed) But for me at least, this event has made me go back and take another shot at setting up 2FA. I am happy to report I finally got it working on all my Lemmy accounts/instances, so I thought I'd share some tips: - I still haven't figured out how to set up via desktop, use a **mobile browser.** - Follow these steps: - Check the enable 2fa box on your account settings and click Save - A message will show about a button appearing when the page refreshes - The button usually doesn't appear for me at first. - You can simply manually refresh the page at this point to make the button appear - The button should now be visible. Click the button. - This opens a `otpauth://` link which on a mobile device should be handled by a 2FA app if you have one installed. - **Authy does not work:** It will generate a code happily but that code will not work when you try to login to your Lemmy account. - Google Authenticator worked for me. It appears the type of TOTP code Lemmy is using is not compatible with some authenticator apps. - I think if you can find a desktop app that registers as a provider for the `otpauth://` links it may be possible to do on desktop as well. - You can also pull the `secret=` value from the link to manually add it to an authenticator on/from desktop. After several failed attempts previously, I finally figured out Authy was the problem and I have now secured all my Lemmy accounts with 2FA. Annoying that I have to use GA, but that appears to be an Authy issue not a Lemmy one. 2FA might not have made any difference today but it very well might in the future. Stay safe everyone! 🔐

Yup, you don’t have to check in regularly or participate in any religious ceremonies or follow any doctrine.

Just say sorry on your way out and you’re good

I would argue that even in that scenario it’s still better to have the source available than have it closed.

If nobody has bothered to audit it then the number of people affected by any flaws will likely be minimal anyway. And you can be proactive and audit it yourself or hire someone to before using it in anything critical.

If nobody can audit it that’s a whole different situation though. You pretty much have to assume it is compromised in that case because you have no way of knowing.

I think much like Lemmy you just want to find one that fits with your ideals. Check the rules and whatnot and make sure you are willing to comply with them.

I wouldn’t call this a recommendation but personally I went with Fosstodon.

I didn’t really look very hard before selecting one of the first few I came across though.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bean salad?I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Bean Corp, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Heinz, and I have over 300 confirmed types of beans.I am trained in bean warfare and I’m the best Adzuki in the entire US beaned corps.You are nothing to me but just another bean.I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never bean seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, string bean. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Garbanzo beans across the USA and your baked beans are being traced right now so you better prepare for the soy, maggot.The soy that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life.You’re fucking dead, string bean.I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can bean you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my Edamame.Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed beaning, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Navy Beans and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little mung bean.If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking beans.But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn chickpea.I will shit furries all over you and you will drown in baked beans.You’re Fava, Pinto.

Eve: You disgust me. I’ve never seen a less appealing penis. I think I may vomit.

Adam: Yeah! Like that. Keep going! I’m almost there!

You’re welcome for the engagement.

Where do I go to get paid?

A simple formula for Lemmy meme content: - Reddit sucks. - Beans are good. - Repeat as needed until the server responds.

Plex for playback.

Transmission for torrents.

Radarr for movies.

Sonarr for tv.

Lidarr for music.

Bazarr for subtitles.

Readarr for books.

Ombi for discovery and requests.

Tautulli for statistics and newsletters.