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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


Conservatives can be friendly as long as you look and act exactly how they think you should.

I ate cabbage for dinner and now my farts smell like sulphur.

The foon is for us four nostrilled folk.

You can do it, it’s all up to you, m’kay?

With a little plan, you can change your life today

You don’t have to spend your life addicted to smack

Homeless on the streets giving handjobs for crack Follow my plan and very soon you will say, “It’s easy, m’kay!”

89% of Germans are covered by public health insurance funds, with 11% covered by private health insurance.

Both public and private systems are currently struggling due to inflation.

Understandable, it gets awkward when everyone on the bus starts jerking it at the same time.

Having lived in two countries with universal health care and in the states I can safely say you are full of shit and the American system only works if you have a ton of money.

One of my good friends got fired after being diagnosed with cancer and because she made over the amount for Medicare already she was out of pocket until the next year.

That’s a cruel system where you buy your way into the line.

Maybe you should discuss your behaviour today with your pastor.

I like the way you articulately debated your opinion on this subject without getting your feeling hurt and lashing out with an attack.

It’s a problem when other clergy cover for pedophiles instead of bring them to justice.

You can feel however you want about abortion, but I believe that telling others how to live their lives based on your personal feelings is against their personal freedoms.

Is the one with the darker jean jacket her partner?

You’re pooping on my party.

I was expressing my opinion which is how I have my fun.

Is that not allowed?

I was talking overused comments, not wives.

It would be interesting to see how memes evolve with AI-powered shitposting.

Maybe it would create something so unique that it destroys or reforms society completely?