Imagine you owned a library. That library is in principle open, anyone can go in and read books, browse the web, wank in the toilets, etc. It’s a good place and it takes you some doing to keep it so.
Now imagine a bus full of book-hating pyromaniacs parks outside (in this metaphor, there is such a thing as book-specific pyromaniacs, just for the sake of illustration).
Surely you’d hang up a “no pyromaniacs” sign?
I wish streaming companies would take notes from Spotify. It’s not too expensive, non-exclusive, acceptable quality even on higher end gear.
Doesn’t shove idiotic recommendations on my face, doesn’t bug me about my address, doesn’t randomly drop in quality because my neighbour is taking a piss. Looking at you, Netflix, you expensive useless piece of shit.
(I’m fact, Spotify’s recommendations are so good that I’m constantly finding new stuff I actually like.)
Speak for yourself.
I don’t even pretend.