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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


If she is gone … What will the community do then?

I think Empress disappearing would be a net-positive for the cracking scene.

If there is nobody cracking the latest releases, the pressure will mount for new crackers to enter the scene. And perhaps we’ll get a new generation of crackers that bring some competition back into the space.

There’s also a lot of money involved in pirated games, with shops in poorer countries selling cracked games for pennies on the dollar to people who would otherwise be unable to afford, or even download the latest games.

So it’s my opinion that denuvo cracking will never go away, it’ll just evolve over time, like it has since the beginning.

I have thought that way before.

But nowadays I have a different perspective. I’ve got everything I need to be happy, and that’s enough for me.

You’re not going to be obsessing over all your career achievements on your deathbed, you’re just going to wish you had spent more time with loved ones.

Which would be pretty important if we want to keep monetization as unobtrusive as possible on Lemmy.

That said, I do think we need to figure out image hosting at some point.

Could you even tell?

After all, we are in the era of advanced LLMs.

I really like that idea.

It would absolutely demolish the risk of a community turning into a meme sub, or one of subs where people just post pictures of their Raspberry Pi in some retail case over and over again.

And as long as pictures are disallowed on the main post, people could still be free to post links to guides or other important content that contains pictures.

It would be nice to interact with my own family and friends

That’s a straight no from me.

We can already interact with our friends and family anywhere we choose, but Lemmy is one of the only general discussion areas left on the internet that isn’t full of the stupidest people on the planet.

Bringing our family here will just result in real identities taking over and limiting discussion to what’s acceptable in all our little social bubbles.

Absolutely, and the actions that “go against the sustainability and self-interest of the fediverse” will need to be analyzed and codified into fediverse “law.”

If we make specific and firm rules about what is disallowed on an instance, it makes enforcing those rules simple.

I pay a few bucks a month for access to a giant plex share.

It’s worth it to just, watch stuff, basically anything, instead of fiddling around with different apps and subscriptions and all that.

I’d happily pay a lot more for the same legal service, but it doesn’t exist.

Studios, if you want my money, make everything available in one spot for a reasonable price. Or, continue your bastardization of everything, and I’ll just keep watching your stuff anyway.

I believe the only instances that should be defederated are corporate, self-harm, profanely illegal, and political extremist instances.

Anything further than that and the whole network is going to devolve into a series of micro echo chambers.

Or maybe it won’t, maybe the vast and free instances will flourish while the restrictive instances die out.

Either way, trying to control a community based on wishy washy ideology is not a good look.

I think in these early days we’ll see a lot of power drunk admins who are too eager to push the button, just because they can.

I was gonna say the same thing but then I saw the 2200-something upvotes.

This community is doomed to be exactly like the low effort meme sub r/piracy if people keep upvoting this lazy content.

Every billionaire uses charities.

They’re a way to exert control over the money that would normally go to taxes, and be up to the government to spend.

It’s not inherently bad, but charity is not quite the saving grace of billionaires that many make it out to be.