• 25 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Smh they can’t even try something new for once

Thank you for your service

This does help. The bois and I played through Terraria recently and had a blast. Gaming on my own can really drag if it’s not the right title.

Got into making games as a hobby a few years back and it basically made it impossible to play games like I used to. Took a while to separate those parts of my brain.

Scientists use climate proxy records like coral skeletons, tree rings, glacial ice cores, and sediment layers. For example, the levels of oxygen 16 in a layer of ocean debris and fossils go up as temperatures rise. So a high level of oxygen 16 in sediment from one layer tells scientists that the planet was hot and watery when the sediment was laid down.

Circling back to the arbitrary date labels

Ah yes the full nuclear (nutclear) approach

Good idea - just made a YSK post about it here

That food waste is largely due to arbitrary date labels and grocery stores throwing out literal tons of perfectly good food instead of donating it.

Try avocado oil instead to avoid hot boxing your kitchen

Cats don’t like their whiskers rubbing on the bowl while they eat because it’s overstimulating. Use a flat bowl or a plate instead.

Last I checked, the only niche they fill in nature is being food for predators like dragonflies and bats.

I’m afraid that’s classified information

It feels like the more you try to think about the dream, the less you remember.

The Ubisoft effect

“Babe come to bed”

“Sorry babe, new dawn dish soap just dropped”

I’ve only got one so far - 22 to go

Mfs turn 30 and get a herniated disk for sleeping the wrong way.

Gen x is 1965-1980 Gen y (millennial) is 1981-1996

Makes me want an Office spin off where Robert California buys Twitter.

One of David Tennant’s best performances imo.

Pretty sure this is a symptom of OCD

What is rule and why am I seeing it everywhere?

Feeling too silly today boss I need a day to get back to my usual depression.

Can’t a man shit his bed in peace anymore smh