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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 01, 2024


Damn, just being able to say “I’m gonna do _____” and actually, y’know, DO IT, sounds fucking amazing

I meant shortages, i hear its a nightmare (at least in the US). I’ve got a little over a month to go for an appointment for an initial evaluation 😞

I’ve heard it makes reliably getting meds a lot easier if they arent stimulants, so maybe youve got that going for you? 😃

Complete and utter inability to start anything outside of a last minute panic.

Their account was made today and has posted this in multiple communities, no comments at all. Never heard of their host(?) Lonestarlemmy DOT mooo DOT com, either

That would require my family to not be extremely tight-lipped about their medical history for no apparent reason. I know nothing beyond general descriptions and a few common names of conditions to watch put for (diabetes, heart, blood pressure, “endocrine issues”) despite explicitly asking for purposes of testing with a doctor. That and I haven’t been to a PCP since I was in high school (maybe longer). I’ll get there… eventually.

Oh, and im fat; not like, mobility scooter stereotype, but i could stand to lose a good 40-50 pounds. Legs and arms are actually fairly muscular, its all torso.

The most normal movements can be painful for no apparent reason, my knees sometimes try to bend the wrong direction while I walk, sneezing too hard can make everything ache painfully for a good 30 minutes or more, etc.

I can move my calves up and down and feel my knees “scrape” together as they move.

Lovely family history of degenerative bone and muscle issues, as well as just plain ol pain.

Well, fuck. My joints are shit to begin with.

I don’t. I vaguely function for months on end, eventually get overwhelmed and panicky, then consume excessive amounts of caffeine and giggle to myself till the caffeine crash hits and I’m too tired to think.

It puts on the colorful noose and heavy black coat in summer, or else it gets the hose again.

“How we’ve always done it” is stupid without reviewing why on occasion.

The children IT professionals yearn for the mines basement… the cool, dark basement with soft lighting…

Nothing better than a warm mild stimulant drink to put me to sleep 😋

I will say or agree to pretty much anything to end a call as soon as possible; my awareness of that makes me refuse calls at any time. Fuck phone calls.

Excessively caffeinate I guess? That reminds me, I have a jug of cold brew in my fridge.

Edit: Immediate regret! Pre-made store bought coldbrew, absolutely vile and acidic. No I’m not throwing it out, yes I’m still going to drink it.

Never really thought about the possibility of powershell wargames tbh. I still don’t really have a firm grasp of fundamentals (or any kind of scripting/coding experience/logic at all).

Pretty much. I got the minimum (IT) cert requirements for my job and… can’t bring myself to actually knuckle down and study more advanced things. I really want/need to learn powershell but I just… can’t. I know enough to dabble and poke at things but that’s it.

Planner? You mean the ignored booklet of existential dread? I think most of us have a small pile of them leftover from school that we haven’t gotten around to throwing out.

Mmhmm. As well as “focus” and “concentrate”.

Most common thing any ADHD kid has ever heard from teacher parent meetings:

“_____ is so smart, they just need to ApPlY tHeMsElVeS”

This implies things are actually getting done (dancing). It’s more of like something else shows up, blindfolds the angel and devil, then convinces them both to get into an argument.